Friday, September 25, 2009

Who Love's You Baby Award

Thank you! Thank you! For the Who Love's You Baby Award from Misty at Book Rat

Hers are some of the blogs I love:

Jenn @ Don't Publish Me
AngelQ Expressions
Zia @ My Life In Not So Many Words


  1. found you through the fantastic Jenn at Don't Publish Me. I'm about to send you a review request if I may be so cheeky :-)

  2. Congratulations on the "Who Loves You Baby" award! I never knew its purpose, (to "pass this on to other bloggers who have awarded you in the past") until I read it on Misty's blog, which by the way is an awesome site and now has a new follower!

    Which reminds me of a question I've been meaning to one of your previous posts you mentioned a blogger who keeps track of the awards and their "purpose" or the meaning behind them, and I didn't MAKE A NOTE! (Can't function without notes...) Would you please repost that info, or send me an email? I do remember visiting it at the time (another great site) and would like to follow it also.

    I just love the interaction and sharing. It's such a great way to find and discover new blogs!

    Congrats again, Chris! You are very deseving of it...and this one REALLY matches your page! LOL! :)

  3. Crystal, Thanks! The wonderful lady who keeps track of contest, virtual tours, etc. is Pixie13. You can click on the blue "Just Contest Stuff button in the sidebar and it takes you to her blog. (you should see how many post-its with web addresses I have in my briefcase. I also have a notebook, but they usually go on post-its until I have time to put them in the book. One of these days I'm going to do a spreadsheet.)

  4. Oh yeah! That's what it was! She keeps track of the contests, giveaways, tours, etc...

    Excellent, Chris, thanks!!!
