Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Photo Tuesday- Spunk on a Stick's Old Memories Photo Challenge

Last Tuesday Diane at Spunk on a Stick Tips posted some great photos from her past and at the end of the post she asked who was brave enought to post old photo memories. I took her up on her challenge and suggested she make Photo Tuesday a meme.
Unfortunately most of my old photos are on floppies or in albums, but here are a few I found in digital format.....

A 7 year-old me. Luckily I survived the crazy 80's hair and this picture looks a little like my hair now.

Me at 13 practicing posing on my dad's truck. It was a southern thing....

Ah, waiting for prom.... again, scary make-up in back then, but hey I had a tan for once and I actually had on pink. My least favorite color.

This was my Senior Yearbook Photo. Probably the only school photo I ever half-way liked.

Many decades ago I was a model. These were a few of the photos in my portfolio. Can you tell it was the 80's with the heavy makeup and big hair?

Me as a nun, but not just any nun. I used to run a movie theater and I was dressed up for a movie promotion for the release of Freddy's Dead. I was his mother. And that was taken with one of those now extinct cameras, the Polariod.

This was one of my tax students, Linda, and I winding down after tax season.

This is me on my first computer many many years ago. That is Willow on the bed with me.


  1. Wow, great pics! I need to scan in some of mine. I don't have a truck one though, lol. I was wondering, do you do the In My Mailbox post every week? It's by the story siren. I just posted mine for last week. It's a fun meme. Still love your blog!!! Have a good day. :-)

  2. What fun to look at some good ol' pictures!! You selected some good ones too, a nice variety!

  3. Thanks ladies!

    Shauna, I haven't done the In My Mailbox yet, but I have seen it on other blogs. It is something I may start doing. I try to just add the books sent to me by authors and publishers to my Upcoming review list as they arrive. I do have a new weekly feature that will start tomorrow, The Good The Bad & The Ugly Wednesday, where I pick three blogs for a given category to talk about. You'll have to let me know what you think.

    Make sure you check back on Thursday afternoon, I'll be announcing the winners of the two book contest and giving details of a new contest.

  4. Wow. I wish I'd looked like THAT when I was 13. :)

  5. I love those! You are so gorgeous, even with a bit of 80's hair.

    I had 80's hair, but at least I avoided the early 90's "mall hair" look - bangs teased about five inches above the head!

  6. Great pics! I grew up in the 80's too so... yeah! LOL
