Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Book Review - The Breathing Box by Dr. Gay Hendricks

With The Breathing Box (ISBN 1-59179-234-7), Dr. Hendricks explains that most of us don't breathe to our full capacity and how this affects our minds and body. He tells us, there are three components to unhealthy breathing: our breath is too shallow, we breathe too quickly, and we breathe "upside-down", ie. we breath into the chest and not the abdomen, so our lower lungs never fully expand and fill.

The Breathing Box is a four week course designed to teach you the techniques to breathe fully and correctly. By implementing this system you feel less fatigue and improve your body's ability to maintain better health. As someone who suffers from chronic sinus problems, this has helped me to have more control over my breathing, which has indeed lessened my stress and made me feel healthier.

This course helps in other ways. We live in a society where we are taught to cover up our emotions, not to burden or upset others. This makes us tense and affects out health and our breathing. Dr Hendrick's teaches how to using breathing techniques, we can unlock our pent up emotions giving us a sense of serenity. This also helps with addictions and cravings, because one can alleviate the need to turn to food, cigarettes and other things/behaviors in order drown out unwanted or undealt with feelings.

Breathing well makes you feel well. The Breathing Box comes with a guidebook, DVD, CD and quick reference cards. It can definitely help you improve your breathing and make you feel better and more relaxed. I give this 4.5 breaths of fresh air.


  1. Breathing incorrectly is not something one normally considers!

    L. Diane Wolfe “Spunk On A Stick”

  2. I have bad sinus problems so I am always looking for non-drug ways to help.
