Friday, February 19, 2010

Welcome to the Weekend With... Andrew Parker

At the end of January I reviewed a wonderful book called Prophecy of Power by Andrew Parker. Today, I have the honor of sharing a wonderful interview with this fascinating man.

First tell us a little about you-
My name is Andrew Parker, I'm 43 years old, born in Teddington England and unfortunately back in October 1985 had a serious car crash which resulted with me being in a wheelchair.

When did you first start writing and did you always want to be an author?
I first started to write about 4-5 years ago, a lot of ideas whirring around in my head which I thought would be fascinating to see in black and white. No didn't always want to be an author, but thought maybe there was a story waiting to come out...

What is the most challenging aspect of writing? Most rewarding?
For me is patience, I want this story on the paper and maybe I need to develop characters and expand detail a lot more. Rewarding is obviously seeing your idea turned into a book and then reading enjoyable comments from readers and critics alike.

What comes first for you when you sit down to write a book? Plot or Characters?
Definitely the plot, then you can develop characters and expand the storyline.

When you sit down to start a new book do you begin with an outline or synopsis or do you just go with the flow?
I have an outline and have the skeleton of the story from start to finish, then it requires meat to the bones.

What influenced you to get published? How long did it take for your first book to get published?
Influenced me was the challenge of trying to be as good if not better of some authors already published. It took me two years to get published, I didn't realize how difficult it was and how disheartening some publishers can be!

How much does reader reaction mean to you as an author?
Everything, reader reaction is more important to me than professional reviews.

As you know I loved your book. Where did the idea come from? Why did you choose to make the main character a rabbi?
I've always been interested in the different religions and the Bible and how it effects the lives of people around the world, so I wanted to research something that caught peoples attention and got them thinking, so a prophesied new world power I hope would do that?

A rabbi, because they believe in the old testament and not the new testament, so he took a courageous decision in his life to really examine the bible, especially Revelation. Chief Rabbi Ken Spiro in Israel is reading it at the moment, so it will be interesting to get his feedback.

What makes your characters so vulnerable yet strong? Can you describe them to us? What do you do when characters stop talking to you when writing?
Wow, good questions...maybe the readers will have a better angle on that, any character especially the main ones need to have inner strength to get the truth and battle through adversity. Jacob the main character has a roller-coaster of emotions and challenges especially when he divorces himself from the jewish faith he has held so close to go on a journey that could cost him his life. If a character stops talking, you have to draw on your own experience or friends personalities...

How involved do you typically get with regards to cover art for your books?
Very much, I wanted to be a book cover designer and still draw and paint now, but yes the cover is my idea.

Any advice for aspiring authors?
Perseverance, believe in what you've written and if its good, it will happen for you eventually...just look at JK Rowling who got rejected by three publishers.

How much research did you do for your book and how much ended up in the finished product?
A lot of research, especially on the bible book of Daniel, and most of it ended up in the book.

Which character in this book most resembles you?
Erm, blimey...don't know maybe all the characters have a little bit of me?

In your book, Rabbi has to decide whether to keep his finding secret or risk everything and let the world know. If it were you, what would you do? Do you think the world has a right to know regardless of what knowing may cause? Do you think that certain events are set in stone and whether we know or not they will still play out?
A tough call, would the world believe me anyway and if I did say, would almost certainly be killed. I think the world has a right to know a lot of things that are kept away from us by power hungry greedy world leaders who think they know best! Yes some events will always play out, especially if its Gods will.

I know you are working on the sequel, what sort of adventure/conflict can we look forward to? Will Rabbi Droutman be prominent
Yes Jacob still features and we get into the world of 'End-Timers'... a religious sect who want the second coming as quickly as possible and see the signs of earthquakes, disease, wars etc... as proof that the second coming of Jesus Christ is close at hand and will do anything to make it happen... and some of these powerful members are in the Whitehouse..

What do you hope for your writing career in the next few years? Any goals that you have yet to obtain that you have set for yourself?
It would be great to get recognition from best-selling authors, and the ultimate goal is to have a best-selling book.

I know you self-published. Why did you choose that route and what has been the best and worst aspects of that process for you?
I self-published to get a handle on reaction to my style of writing, story telling and whether it was worth pursuing as a career in the future, I think if anyone goes down that route.. then there are only worst aspects, as its a big cost to you personally, limited distribution and advertizing, plus does the book world take you seriously?

Does your environment help or hinder your writing/creativity?
My environment hinders me, I like to have my own space... peace and quiet for concentration and research... but writing from home you never know who turns up!

Who are your favorite authors?
I like the thriller world of reading, so John Grisham, Michael Connelly and David Baldacci spring to mind.

If you could spend the day with one person (someone in history, a favorite author, a public figure, a character in a book, etc.), who would you choose and why?
Have to be Jesus and the day he gave the sermon on the mount, best and most prophetic speech in history.

Andrew, thank you so much for joining us today. I don't think with your wonderful writing anyone will have a hard time taking you seriously. I look forward to reading you next book.

Be sure to visit Andrew's website for the latest updates on his work.


  1. Very interesting interview. Andrew is a new author to me and his book will definitely go on my wish list. This sounds most intriguing, as does the second book. Thanks for sharing this information.

  2. He really took a chance with his first book!

    And CC, you have a Sunshine award at my blog today.

  3. Thank you for my award Diane!!

    Alex- I couldn't find an email address for you. If you would like a PDF version of the book, send me your email and I will send it to you.

  4. I am flattered to receive your "Over the Top Award" and am glad you enjoy my writing. Thanks so much!

  5. Now this book sounds interesting. Thanks for the heads-up, CC.

    Marvin D Wilson
