Monday, February 22, 2010

Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Memory Loss by Monica Vest

There are millions of diseases out there, but few are as heart wrenching and devastating as Alzheimer’s and Dementia. When it comes to our minds, few prospects scare us as much as the thought of losing ours. For anyone who has dealt with a loved one who has suffered from one of these diseases of the mind, you know how hard it can be. These illnesses don’t just affect the victim, they affect everyone around them.

Having experienced how Alzheimer’s, Dementia and memory loss has affected those I love and the people around them, I know how hopeless and lost everyone involved can feel. In her book, Monica Vest has taken some of the despair out of these diseases. She gives practical information and advice. She offers wonderful tips that will help all of those involved communicate more smoothly by understanding all sides and perspectives. This book is an excellent resource for anyone whose life is touched by these diseases. Five out of five stars.

This book was provided by the author.


  1. Sadly, it's the one book we all hope we'll never need - or our family will need!

  2. Thanks for sharing this information. We're beginning to deal with some memory loss from my in-laws and it is heart breaking. Their's is only minor things and not that often yet thankfully. I'll definitely have to check on this book.

  3. My mother currently suffers from dementia. This book sounds like something I need to read...thanks for the heads up.

  4. Mason & Missy B- sorry to hear you are dealing with this. definitely check out the book. The most imporatnt thing to remember is to have patience and savor every lucid moment, no matter how small.

    A week or so, before my grandmother past away, she said to me, "You remind me so much of my sunshine." That is what she always called me. A part of my heart broke when she said that, but a part leapt with joy because she remembered a little bit. At that point she no longer knew anyone but her dog. So you have to hold on to those precious moments.

  5. A tough subject to take on, and I'm sure a tough one to read.

