Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Over the Top Award

My dearest friend, Crystal, gave me this charming award on Monday. Actually most of our answers could have been the same because we think so much alike, but I've tried to come up with original answers for most. The rules of the award are to answer the questions with one word answers, then to pass it on.

Your Hair? - Blonde
Your Favorite Food? - Chinese
Your Hobby? - Learning
Your Fear? - Spiders
Your pets? - KITTIES!
Something You Aren't? - Bored
Where Did You Grow Up? - Advance
Your Life? - Tornado
Your Mood? - Blissful!
Your Favorite Color? - Green

And I'm passing it to these little known bloggers:
Alex J Cavanaugh
An Author's Journey
Ecalyptus way
Musical Pencil 
Princess of Procrastination
The Author's Corner
terrible twos and running shoes
Just the Facts Ma'am
Jamieson Wolf
Den Page of C. June Wolf
Anna's Obsession
Please go check out their blogs and if you like what you see become a follower.

Also received this award from http://randomthoughtsofatangledmind.blogspot.com/2010/02/over-top-award.html today.


  1. cool award :)

    I'll see if I can email the html for the cat...not sure if I can, but it's a toy cat widget. Let me see what I can do.

  2. Sweet!! Thanks CC

    PJ - I'm pretty sure I saw a toy cat widget on Blogger. I'll take a look. If I find it, I think I'll put it on mine.

  3. Thanks, CC! And I'm seeing a kitty trend with some of my friends.

  4. Congratulations on your award. Thanks for some great new links to check out.
