Thursday, April 8, 2010

The A to Z Post Challenge

Earlier this week I discovered a posting challenge created by Arlee Bird over at Tossing It Out. (this was right before I discovered I have the flu, which is why the post is a little late today.) The challenge was starting April 1st to write a post a day titled with each letter of the alphabet for a total of 26 posts in the month of April.

I think it’s a great challenge and although I want to take up the gauntlet, I don’t have the time to come up with a new post everyday so I’m going to cheat and do several post that cover multiple letters. Five posts to be exact, each one starting with a vowel. So for this first post we have A, B, C, D. (Arlee Bird Creates Disquisition.)

A is for Ambrosia
Literature is the ambrosia of the soul. It is food for the mind no matter what form it takes. Be it a classic novel, enlightening non-fiction, fantastical fiction, light-hearted prose, captivating plays, tempting blog posts, or even a tempestuous letter from a far off lover, the written word nurtures and sustains us. Whether enticing or repelling, it unleashes our emotions and revs our intellectual engines. It captures our histories and alludes to our futures. It can take us on faraway journeys to sometimes new dimensions and world yet can find us when we are lost and guide us home again.

B is for Baksheesh (noun- a gratuity, a tip, a bribe)
In the world of blogs we all enjoy a little gratuity from our fellow bloggers and followers, whether it comes in the form of a comment, an award, a prize or simply knowing someone is reading our thoughts. These are the things that make blogging fun and social. Really what would be the point if no one was reading. And as many have discovered, subconscious bribery is involved, in that many comment on other's blogs, offer prizes, etc. to lure them to their own. Of course our main form of bribery is in offering up tintillating posts and challenges.

C is for Capitulation (surrender)
Yes, surrender to the allure of blogging addiction. Admit it, once you start it's really hard to stop. Lose yourself in the dizzying array of posts, pictures, comments, colors, comaraderie, etc that draws to jump over and read just one more post before turning the computer off or going back to life less colorful. Surrender to the endless supply of new friends you will make, tips you will learn, fun you will have.... (okay the meds may be making me a little nutty right now, but you get the picture)

D is for Disquisition (Dialogue)
The blog world opens up a whole new way to meet new people, share ideas and have conversations/debates. What other world but the internet one, gives us the opportunity to talk with any one, of any culture,  from any place and whatever did we do before we had it?

Come back next week for E-H...

and don't forget to stop by Tossing it Out for a list of all the participants and links to their blogs.


  1. I've put your link on the blog roll of participants. Glad you're feeling well enough again to join us. Maybe you can mention that you are participating in any comments that you leave on other sites so people will know to check out your posts.
    Blogging From A to Z April Challenge

  2. Nice! Look forward to reading more of your alphabetical entries... good luck on the a to z challenge!

  3. Glad you're back and that's a clever idea! I've enjoyed the challenge so far. Today was the best!

  4. I loved your blog, the home page is awesome.
    I enjoyed what you have written.
    Good luck with the challenge.


  5. Welcome to the challenge. I enjoyed your pot-pouri as you caught up. Looking forward to reading some more.

  6. Thanks everybody! Can't wait to read all your post!

  7. I like your 'catch-up' idea! I have definitely capitulated to the lure of the bloggy world. Fun stuff :)

  8. Glad you're feeling better. Enjoyed your post and the challenge has been fun to read.

  9. Great post! And welcome to the challenge! Thanks for stopping by my blog today :) It sure is great connecting with so many creative people from all over the planet.

  10. Following you now :) So glad your in this challenge too!
