Monday, April 26, 2010

A to Z Challenge, Final Post

For the last A to Z challenge post I’ve decided to introduce you to unusual words. Be sure to go to the place this challenge started for links to all those participating, Arlee Bird’s Tossing It Out.

U is for uranography.
Uranography is the description or the mapping of the heavens. Though many have tried to map all the heavens they are so vast we will never be able to completely map them in our lifetime. For me I’m content with uranoscopy (star-watching).

V is for vade mecum
With the invention of kindles and other such devices is now possible for for anyone to have one of these. A vade mecum is a favorite book carried everywhere.

W is for Weltanschauug and Weltschmerz
Weltanschauug is a comprehensive world view from a specific poit of view and Welschmerz is a sadness over the evils of the world.

X is for Xylophobia
Vampires are known throught out time to have Xylophobia… a fear of wooden objects.

Y is for Ydromancy
With all the types of fortunetelling out there iit is shocking that ydromancy is not well know. It is fortunetelling with water. Isn’t that how all the wizards, magicians, etc. did it in legends?

Z is for Zatetic
I hope to always have a zatetic mind. Zatetic is an adjective meaning pondering or questioning.

These words and many more interesting seldom used words can be found at Luciferous Logolepsy.


  1. That was fun! I love learning new words :)

  2. What wonderful new words. I think vade mecum will be a new favorite. Thanks for the link for more words.

    Thoughts in Progress

  3. OOo! I'm gonna try those words out on my husband later. He tends to know all the big words, but maybe one will stump him.

  4. Those were some interesting words.

    Hope you will post your Reflections about A to Z next Monday May 3rd. A Linky tool will be activated on May 2nd so you can add a post. So glad you participated with your unique approach.

    May 3rd A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post

  5. These are wonderful words! How
    unique! Great way to tie it all up~
