Thursday, April 15, 2010

A to Z Challenge, Part 3... I-J-K-L-M-N

Continuing the A to Z Challenge from Arlee Bird at Tossing It Out.

I is for Illiteracy
Most of us in the bloggy world are book lovers. We live to read and we take it for granted that we are able to. For us it is like breathing; we don’t even have to think about it. We are the lucky ones who are blessed with this skill. In the US our literacy rate is not that bad, but it doesn’t take into account that many are ‘functioning illiterate’. I cannot imagine graduating from high school and not being able to read. Sadly, that is more common than you might think. So next time you pick up a book or are reading a blog, take a moment to appreciate that gift.

J is for Jumping the Shark
Technically ‘jumping the shark’ is a phrase that came about in 1985. Jon Hein used it to describe that instant, that defining moment when you know your show will never be the same. It’s most often used to describe a popular show that does something so strange that it begins to go downhill. Although Jumping the Shark original referred to TV, it applies to literature as well. How many times have you been a big fan of a particular author and then they do something crazy with the characters or plots you have come to love? Have you ever been engrossed in a book only for the author to go off on a tangent that makes no sense before the conclusion? As writers, we need to make sure we don’t Jump the Shark.

K is for Kissing
Ah ..kissing. Most everyone loves doing it. It’s a sign of affection, passion, sometimes love. Most remember that first kiss no matter how many years or decades pass. And when we are reading a story or watching a movie and the authors and directors draw out that magnetic attraction, we root for the characters and our anticipation builds. A kiss is a magical moment….sigh… until you find yourself being kissed by a wretched kisser. Ladies, back me up here. We’ve all experienced it. So, here are few words of advice for those challenged in the kissing department:

-If you want to know if we still have our tonsils’, just ask.

-Teenagers in the 80’s loved the phrase, ”suck face”. It’s not the 80’s and we aren’t teenagers anymore.

-It is common knowledge women tend to be cat lovers. If we wanted to be slobbered all over we’d have dogs.

-If you have spent hours studying our mouth debating whether to kiss us, make a mental note of how big our mouth really is. Even sci-fi fans get a little freaked out when you try to wrap your lips around our entire head.

-Who doesn't love a little love nibble now and then, but we don’t want to have to call for the jaws of life to extract our bottom lips from your teeth. We may wonder if you are a cannibal who hasn’t eaten in a while, beside we prefer to be dessert not the main course.

When in doubt less is more. Start softly and let the passion build....

L is for Little Moments
Little moments… those moments that stick in our mind long after that have past. Moments that remind of where we have been. Moments that bring back memories and make us feel like a kid again. Those few minutes, when we are rushing around trying to accomplish more than humanly possible, but we pause to breathe. Those times when our minds wonder off daydreaming of that special someone or place. The seconds right before we burst out laughing when the humor is building inside. Those minutes we try in vain to hold back tears. The moments that take our breath away. We experience these moments all the time. As novice writers it can be easy to forget to incorporate little moments in out stories. All great authors do. It’s how they draw the reader in and make the characters relatable.

M is for Men
Last week Alex Cavanaugh gave us Genre Girls. So today I will give you leading men. Here are the leading men that draw me to the movies. Some of them may surprise you.

Michael Caine
Actually Sir Michael Caine. Great actor and a true gentleman. On my first film, he made me tea and wanted to know about my life & school (Wake Forest), and I was just a PA. What Academy Award winning actor today would do that?

John Cusack
Ok, I'm a sucker for all those John Hughes and 80's movies. Can't help but like Cusack, I grew up crushing on him.

Gary Oldman
Fabulous actor. There is something deep and forboding about him. In real life, I think he may be scary. He plays evil and twisted just a little too well. But I'd still love to sit down and chat with him; I'm sure the conversation would be interesting.

Clive Owen
Can't say I care for all his films but the man is just hot. Honestly, even if he didn't look like this he would still mesmorize me with that voice.

Jonathan Rhys Myers
There is just something quirky and compelling about him. His personality has many facets.

Colin Firth
I saved my favorite for last. He's the average man, the normal guy, the romantic, the not so perfect and yes, he's the nice guy. He's dependable and enduring. He'll make you laugh and hold you when you cry. He may not be able to carry a tune or dance but he'll wing it to bring a smile to your face. If men would only realize sometimes those are the sexiest qualities of all.

Now ladies, who are your leading men?

N is for Never Give Up
We all have those moments when we doubt ourselves, those of us who are newbie writers especially. Life gets in the way. Obstacles pile up. Insecurity creeps in. Writers block puts us in a fog. Time seems to disappear. No matter what challenges come up, we need to remember to never give up. That doesn’t mean that sometimes we don’t have to let go of something that isn’t working. It means always believe in yourself and your dreams. Sometimes we spend so much time building others up we forget to do that for ourselves. So make sure you are surrounded by people that encourage you to be the best you can be in whatever direction your passions and dreams take you.


  1. Oh my goodness I pissed myself laughing at your kissing section. Every single comment is spot on! Especially the one about sci-fi people thinking it would even be too much. LOL

    Also your taste in actors is exactly like mine. I LOVE all these guys. But you missed one. Ever since I was 12 I had a thing for Johnny Depp - after I saw him in Cry Baby :)

  2. I am very impressed with all the letters you have done. Most enjoyable to read and much thinking must have gone into each one, Thanks for sharing and oh the photo's are GREAT.


  3. Awesome post, wow! I completely agree about the kissing, I hello if I wanted my face sucked off, I would try the vacuum love Colin Firth, he is very real, Blessings to you!

  4. Alli Allo- I missed quite a few but I decided to limit my number. Johnny is on my list, too. He has such amazing range.

    Poetry- Thank you. I didn't realize when I took up the challenge how hard it would be to pick my topics. Glad you are enjoying them.

    Shannon- Thanks for stopping by and being a follower. It always amazes me how many men have no clue how to kiss.

    Since you ladies enjoyed the kissing segment, you might want to head over to Thoughts in Progress, Mason had a guest post with Diane Sweeney, author of 'Kissing Frogs in Cyber Space'. website

  5. I really started something, didn't I?

    "Wrapping your lips around our entire head" - that's hilarious!

  6. John Cusack! The adorable boy next door. Makes me want to go watch Better Off Dead now.

    Did you know the illiteracy rate in NC is 28%?

  7. That was quite an assortment of thoughts. I like the "little things". I think I do tend to write in a lot of little observations and events in my works. I really enjoy big action films, but I do have a special fondness for films that show weird little details. David Lynch is great at doing that.
    I recall seeing a film once, can't recall what it was now, that took place entirely in an attic apartment. In one corner of the room was a hanging bucket into which periodically a drop of water would drop into it which would cause all the characters to stop and look at it. It was a really weird little detail that I remembered, but I thought it was very significant to the theme of the story. That was an odd thing to relate.
    Blogging From A to Z April Challenge

  8. I so love your take on the A to Z Challenge. These all were so good, but I guess K was the best. The kissing advice was priceless. Definitely looking forward to part 4.

    Thoughts in Progress

  9. Wow! Love your blog! And the take on the A to Z AND the hunks were great. I'm so glad I found your blog.

  10. Alex- I don't know what it's like for guys, but you wouldn't believe what we get subjected to in the kissing department.

    Diane- Doesn't just the name John Cusack bring back memories.

    Lee- to me the little things in life are the best. I'm going to have to go hunt for that movie now. I'm curious.

    Mason- Thanks! I loved your guest Diane's post. I'm heading to the bookstore later to pick it up.

    Kathi- Welcome and thank you!

  11. That kissing part is hilarious. Good job getting six letters in one post!
