Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dirty Little Angels by Chris Tusa

Dirty Little Angels by Chris Tusa is a gritty tale about the seedy side of life in New Orleans. Although the story centers around the teenage, Hailey, there are many satellite characters who take focus in this tale. This is not a feel good story. You won’t have any warm fuzzy feelings when you are done reading it. But what it is, is real and true to life, at least a life for a certain section of society. What you will get out of this book is how some people live and allow their lives to become what they are and it will make you all the more thankful for the life you have. I have led a very diverse and interesting life and can say that there was not one single character I could identify with, however being a visual person, the beautifully descriptive way Tusa writes gives you a feel of looking through a portal at the lives of these characters. 3 out of five stars.

This ebook was provided by the author.

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