Tuesday, January 19, 2010

An Award and an Update

First, I have to say Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! to my wonderful friend and fellow blogger Crystal at Crystal Clear Proofing who gave me the Circle of Friends Award this past weekend along with L Diane Wolfe and Elizabeth Craig. What a wonderful circle to be in. I am honored to be counted among such great women and bloggers. Since many of those I would extend this award to are already in the circle. I extend this award to those loyal followers who read and comment on my blog. Your support and feedback means the world to me. And also to those email subscribers, who may not have time to comment but read my post through your inboxes. This goes out to you guys. You know who you are.

Secondly, I created a new award. Of course it's another cool dragon I found. This one is The Blogger Buddies Award and it's for those blogging buddies I have who have helped me make this blog what it is. I will probably give it to others later but I want to give it to L. Diane Wolfe, without whom I wouldn't have started a blog in the first place and to Crystal who has put up with all my endless questions about colors and formats and content. I love you both!!

I also want to take time today to give you an update about what's going on with this blog right now and what the future holds. I know some of you are probably wondering about the stream of short book reviews. For those of you who don't know me personally, I work a 50+ hour a week day job and blog in my free time. I know, right, what free time! At the end of 2009, I received tons of books from authors and publishers and spent much of my Christmas break reading them all and writing up reviews, which are currently posting and will continue thru mid-February. I have tried to cut down on my tendency to be verbose as I know many of you have busy lives also. So I try to keep it short, sweet and to the point. I am also cutting down on the books I'm accepting. As much as I love to read everything I can get my hands on, I just don't have the time. Plus my stack of store bought books is growing and I really want to get to my favorite authors. I will still be on the look out for new authors and books you don't see on every other blog.

In Mid-February, I plan to spice it up a bit. I hope to continue with Interviews on Friday (hint, hint- if you want to be in the spotlight, send me an email). Mon. thru Thurs. I'm going to change it up. I hope to bring back The Good The Bad and The Ugly Wednesday (again, I'm open to suggestions). I also plan to post more movie/DVD reviews. You may also be getting some Random Thoughts posts on things happening in our world today and in our blog world. Finally, I'm working on multiple post for Ember and plan to start posting her story as a regular feature. Others will still be welcome to pick up her story, but as her story went cold in the world of Cheese, I think she needs a steady stream of adventures. And of course I need the writing practice, so be on the look out.

So that's why, right now you are getting mostly book reviews and what you can expect in the coming months. I just past the 6 month mark and am still tweaking the blog. I welcome any feedback, what you like, what you don't like, what you want to see more of, etc.  Thanks for all your support! You make blogging worth it!!


  1. Chris is am so touched to receive your Blogger Buddies award! THANK YOU.

    As I've commented and told you as well, your book reviews are the best in the blogosphere. I always enjoy them!

    I think your future plans for your blog sound good - nice and diverse, and open to new ideas as well.

    I understand completely how a 50+ hour week can hinder other "obligations," and sometimes it's just overwhelming!

    Thank you so much again for the award. You are a very treasured friend and Blogger Buddy!

  2. Oh wow! So pretty! I am honored. All I did was prod - you took off running, CC.

  3. Cool!
    Not ready for an interview yet, but I know I will be doing that eventually.

  4. Crystal & Diane- You are the best and I wouldn't have a blog without you guys!

    Alex- Just let me know when you are ready to be interviewed.

  5. Six months and counting. Kudos to you. As you know, I get your posts directly to my email and I love everyone. I wondered how you were reading a book a day. Haha I look forward to all of your posts, whatever they may be.
