Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Book Review - Wealth From Within by Lori Culwell

I read and review many self-help and motivational books. Some books get it and some just rehash what other books have already offered. Occasionally, a book comes along that while rehashing what others have already said, offers a refreshing point of view. Lori Culwell’s Wealth From Within: Meditation, Consciousness and the “Real” Secret to Getting What You Want, is one of those books that basically restates what all the other say. Culwell does offer good meditation techniques, although having worked in the film industry for 17 years, I was unimpressed with the celebrity name dropping. Culwell makes good points about looking inward first and her overall messages are positive. You can tell she practices what she preaches. Unfortunately, after reading her book and then also checking out her blog Funny Strange, she reminds me of many people I have known over the years and I will admit that biases my opinion, so I won’t be giving this book a rating. Culwell is a straight shooter and like many of us, has a broken filter, you know that little filter that tells us maybe we shouldn’t say out loud everything that pops into our head and that sometimes when you can’t bring yourself to be nice, silence is best. In her blog, Culwell herself admits to having no problem making someone cry when she doesn’t get the results she wants. On the one hand, that sort of honesty is refreshing and wonderful to read, but on the other it makes the person come across as a narcissist and unfeeling. While I believe Culwell is definitely a little self-absorbed it is also obvious that she feels very deeply. Reading the book and reading the blog it is hard to put the two together at times, and I have to give her credit for that, not everyone can write so diversely. So, in conclusion, if you want some good meditation techniques, love to follow celebrity gossip and want the cliff notes version of the Secret and Laws of Attraction, then pick up this book. If you want a refreshing, sometimes narcissistic, sometimes funny view of life, check out her blog. It is there you will be entertained. Some of her post you will completely relate to and some will leave you saying (as one of her post title does), “How Dare You.” Either way you will either love her or hate her.

This book was provided by the author and will be given away to a lucky commenter.


  1. Not looking for the book (I already won one from you!), but I wanted to comment on your honesty as a reviewer. You pick the most interesting books to review! Is there a field in which you haven't worked? You seem to have done it all!


  2. Thank you Michele! Actually there are so many things I haven't done, but yes I have been very blessed and had the opportunity to do many things over the years.
