Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Quest Award Recap

The Quest Award

The Quest is an award I created to celebrate new bloggers and help spread the word about their wonderful new journey. A new blog can be daunting and every new blogger has wondered if anyone would even be interested in what they have to say. This award is to show them that, yes, we are reading!!

The rules are simple:

1. Post this on your blog with a link back to the person who gave it to you.

2. When you come across a blog that was created this year (or less than 6 months old),
pass the torch onto the newbie.

3. Post a comment on the blog to let them know they have an award.

4. If you see this award in someone's post check out the new blogs and...

5. Show these new bloggers what comment love is all about!!

In 2009, I previously awarded the Quest to:

An Author’s Journey

The WM Freelance Connection

Confessions of a Watery Tart

Other deserving blogs started in 2009:

If you know of another great blog that started in 2009 or if you started a blog in 2009, please leave a comment with a link so we can check them out.

I wish everyone a safe and festive New Year's Eve tonight!!


  1. And you are certainly deserving of the award, yourself!

    Here's to a great 2010, CC!!! You rock.

  2. well, thank you! And thanks for checking out my website in addition to my blog. I often forget about it, and am glad to know it's getting some traffic. You are so sweet to remember me! I'm honored to be up there with so many other blogs I enjoy.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Diane- Thank you!!! You rock too!! You inspired me to start a blog.

    Crystal- My dear friend, wishing you a New Year full of blessings!

    Michele- I love your blog & your website. And yes, I did that woodcut many years ago. Thank you.

  4. Good point, though sometimes it's hard to arrive to definite conclusions
