Thursday, December 17, 2009

Book Review - Merchants of Deception by Eric Scheibeler

Is it a religion? Is it a cult? Can it be the answers to our financial woes? No, it’s Amway! And just like all other distribution/network marketing businesses, it’s a scam with only a handful ever making money, while the rest succumb to these unscrupulous vultures. Unfortunately, it’s not just Amway, I know of a well known women’s makeup, skincare and fragrance company (also starting with an “A”) that is almost the same thing only without the bad public reputation….yet. But that’s another story for another day.

Merchants of Deception is Eric Scheibeler’s story. He courageously tells his story of how as a high-level insider he blew the whistle on the greed, fraud and corruption that epitomizes multi-level marketing schemes. He tells how the government turns a blind eye to these companies. This book is eye-opening and must read for anyone struggling financially and tempted by one of the many “to good to be true” money making “opportunities”. When someone approaches you with one of these “legitimate” (reality check-SCAMS) business opportunities, take the money you’re tempted to invest and buy this book instead. You’ll easily profit from the money you would have wasted had you been sucked into one of those schemes. For the public service value alone, 4.5 out of five stars.

This book was provided by the author and will be givem to one lucky commenter.


  1. It's encouraging to see someone writing a book about this. It's amazing the number of scams out there. Now if only a large number of the populus would read it!

  2. Hmmm, wonder who that other 'A' is...???
    Amway is just a company - it's the business development organizations separate from the company that give it a bad rap.
    Remember all the long distance phone company scams from about 10-15 years ago? Now those were a hoot!
