Monday, June 7, 2010


Just wanted to take a moment to give all my loyal followers and friends a quick update. I have only posted a few times since the end of April. In the middle of a bacterial infection I found out out my job was being downsized and I was losing my insurance. Those of you who know me well, know that put me in panic and action mode, which meant I wasn't going to have time for reviewing and blogging. I have spent a lot of the past month planning and job hunting while still giving my current albiet smaller job 100%. I also had a new preoccupation, which I will expand on later. I decided to write this post , one as an update but also as a note of encouragement for those going through similar situations in these tough economic times.

Luckily, before 2010 began I knew it was going to be a year for new things and good things. While I could look at the situation with the job and the bad timing of finding out things were going to be a little topsy turvy with despair, (ok, to be honest, I had a few moments of that) I choose to look at it as an opportunity to pursue something new and challenging. I didn't wait around and even though still under the weather, threw myself into job hunting. It paid off because this week I will be starting a challenging new job with a fabulous new company with great people, and that is closer to home. The other great thing is that the hours are almost the same as the job I've been at for the past several years. In this economy and with so many people unemployed, I recognize what a blessing this is and I hope it gives those out there still searching a little hope. Sometimes it can be as simple as keeping a positive attitude even when it's hard.

All that being said, I can't take all the credit for being able to stay positive all on my own. I have wonderful family and great friends who are there with love, encouragement, support and laughter. I know from past experience how easy it can be to shut down and shut people out when you feel like the world is closing in, but we all have to remember, that for the ones who love us, that's when they want to be there for us the most. And as we get older and hopefully wiser, we realise by letting them be there we gain the strength to face anything.

Now my lack of bloggy time hasn't been completely devoted to dealing with illness and job drama, there has also been a very surprising and wonderful new development in my life that I never saw coming.... something that deserves a post all on it's own so I will save that for later. And as this week is filled with finishing a notice at one job, starting a new one and a few other wonderful things, it may take me another week or so to get back to a regular posting schedule. I have reviews of some fabulous books and a movie or two coming, one maybe two new Ember posts on the way and a few other random things up my sleeve. Thank you all for hanging in there with me.


  1. CC! Thank you for the update. I didn't realize your life had become so stressed and you were seeking new employment. Glad you found something even better! You'll have to tell me about all the new developments next month.
    My speaking gigs have been down for the past year and probably won't return to normal for another year. But we'll be okay in the meantime. Just means I need to expand in other directions.
    It's all about growing as a person, isn't it?

  2. I'm sorry, CC. Glad you've returned and hope to hear more about what's been happening in your life.

  3. Glad to know you're okay. Sounds like things are going in a positive directions. Good luck with the new job and looking forward to seeing you around again.

    Thoughts in Progress

  4. Diane- it has been a tough couple of years for so many. Sometimes I think we need the stress to make us really appreciate all the good that comes our way. And way more good has come out of the past few months than I could have imagined.

    Mason- Thanks. I have missed the bloggy world and all my friends on here.

    Alex- Thanks. Update 2 is on its way.

  5. Wonderful to hear from you again! I had a similar experience with concerning jobs, so I totally get where you're coming from. Here's hoping that you receive even more joy as 2010 progresses!

  6. Thanks S.M. There are so many going through this right now, I hope that this post gives people a little encouragement.

  7. I'm glad the job situation is working out for you. It can be very scary. I'm intrigued about the other good news :)

  8. Thanks Jemi. The second part of the update will post on Wednesday.
