Friday, January 22, 2010

Welcome to the Weekend With ... Author C.D. Baker

This week we are going to welcome our weekend with a wonderful inspirational author, CD Baker. His book, 40 Loaves, which I reviewed in December, is so simple yet inspiring. I have used it as a basis for a 40 day posting on my other blog Whispering to God.

First tell us a little about you- (brief bio- a sentence or two) I write from my small farm in Bucks County, Pennsylvania where I live with my wife, Sue. I have a master’s degree in theology from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. I’ve learned that life is hard and religion doesn’t work but grace remains.

When did you first start writing and did you always want to be an author?
I had hoped to be a writer from elementary school onwards and had written a 5th grade comic strip. I began serious writing in the 1980’s with some not-to-be-published children’s books, then began my first published novel in February, 1994.

What is the most challenging aspect of writing? Most rewarding?
The marketing side of writing is very difficult; it’s hard to get your work noticed amongst such a variety of really good authors. However, reader feedback, even when critical is very exciting.

40 Loaves is such a wonderful tool. What inspired you to write 40 Loaves?
I spoke with a Catholic nun in Britain whose heart was heavy regarding her failing faith. I encouraged her to just go ahead tell God anything…and while she was at it, she should go ahead and ask Him anything. The look of joy and relief on her face reminded me that many of us are afraid to be totally honest with God. We harbor lots of thoughts and questions in fear, so I thought I’d explore some of our questins out loud in hopes of inspiring others to enjoy the freedom of Christ’s unconditional love.

How long, on average, does it take to write a book?
I write/research full-time and my novels have varied from one year to four, my devotionals about seven months.

What about the life you have led has helped or hindered your writing/creativity?
My failures in life have contributed to a deeper understanding of myself, the human condition generally, and the power of the Gospel, each of which have added depth to my work. However, my relentless work ethic sometimes interferes with my joy in writing, and the strain of the marketplace can be a discouraging distraction.

What do you hope for your writing career in the next few years? Any goals that you have yet to obtain that you have set for yourself?
I’d be dishonest if I said I wasn’t hoping for better sales! The reality of the marketplace is that publishers only offer what they think they can sell. Since I believe in my work, I really do hope my work gets broader attention so I can keep writing professionally. Otherwise, my only conscious goal is to be content with however God wills to use my work.

Who are your favorite authors?
Depending on my mood, T.S. Elliot, C.S. Lewis, Richard Bauckham, Honer de Balzac, and Thomas Mann.

You can influence any one thing in the entire history, the present or the future of the world (what has occurred, how something works, etc.). What would you choose to change and why?
Oh my. Wow. Well…besides keeping Eve away from the serpent, I’d probably want to impact the nature of the Enlightenment so that Rationalism was kept in check by an appropriate appreciation for mystical realities. (I know…that would require a whole book to explain…sorry!)

If you could spend the day with one person (someone in history, a favorite author, a public figure, a character in a book, etc.), who would you choose and why?
Assuming you mean other than Jesus, I would say John the Beloved who is the likely author of the Gospel of John, the epistles of John, and Revelation. Though not a member of the Twelve (that was John of Zebedee), John was especially gifted with deep, sensitive insight into the life and meaning of Christ.

What words of wisdom would you share with your fans?
Ask the Spirit to show you more of your heart so that as you face the gravity of your shortcomings you will be more dependent on God’s grace. This in turn will set you free from the suffocating power of the Self and enable you to rest in the joy of His love.

Here is a wonderful video interview with CD Baker:

Be sure to also visit his website for more of his wonderful work.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What a wonderful interview!

    I have a question! The author's name is in all lower case - why? My friend p.m. terrell does that as well, and she began by accident - the cover designer put her name on the first book in all lower case and she liked it, so it stuck.
