Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Male Factor by Shaunti Feldhahn

The Male Factor, at a glance looks like another one of those relationship advice books. It is, but The Male Factor by Shaunti Feldhahn isn’t to help your love life. This book is about the relationships we have with men in the work place. With feminism, women’s lib, and all the talk about equality in the workplace, sadly, it is still a man’s world. In most businesses men still dominate and/or run the work environment. Feldhahn does an excellent job of dissecting the male mind at work. Note, I said “at work”. Men compartmentalize and have a different mind set in different environments. Understanding how the men you work around think is an invaluable tool. It’s a tool that can help you improve your interpersonal work relationships and achieve success instead of unknowingly sabotaging yourself. Although Feldhahn wants to help us understand the male mindset and develop a more cohesive work environment, the fact that this book will have you thinking before you speak can help improve all your professional relationships, male and female. This is a must have book for every professional woman. Five out of five stars.

This book was provided by WaterBrook Multnomah. You can learn more about this book at Random House.


  1. Five out of five? Must be good!

    I no longer have a J-O-B, but from past experience, I think men are far easier to work with than women. I found working with a group of men far more pleasant!

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with Diane -but men do make some of the oddest decisions in the workplace. I can see how this book would be very helpful. And I'm really glad I don't have to deal with it anymore!! LOL!

  3. I resemble that!
    Wow, are we really that difficult?

  4. Diane & Crystal- I totally agree. I'd whether work with men any day. In the corporate world I have found that men do think differently and sometimes it can be hard to know what they are thinking. This book clarified a lot of that and I think is a great tool for someone who is entering that environment. The corporate work place in unlike a lot of others.

    Alex- I think 99% of men aren't difficult at all, you just think differently than women. Believe me, in some work environments that can be a very good thing.
