Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Creed of Violence by Boston Teran

Those of who know me, know I love a good thriller; I love history, and I also love a good human interest story. In The Creed of violence by Boston Teran, I got all three. This book reminds me of the movies they made during the Golden Age of Hollywood. I can easily picture Peter Fonda in a movie version of this book. At the same time, although set in 1910 during the Mexican revolution, I can easily picture it being set in our time and being directed by Tarentino. It’s historical but the story of the journey an opposing father and son make is timeless. Teran gives you an eloquent look at the Americana of the past, adds in an element of suspense then blends it together with two beautifully human men. Four out of five stars.

This book was provided by the author.


  1. You perked my interest with the Tarentino comment! Loved Desperado.

  2. Or was that directed by bel Toro? LOL!

  3. I think the first one was by Robert Rodrigez, but I agree it was fabulous.

    I love Tarantino films, I think Resevior Dogs was his first directing job but I could be wrong.

  4. Resevior Dogs was awesome! This book does sound like great Tarantino fodder.

  5. Sounds fascinating! I LOVE history, suspense...(the same things you do!) LOL!

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