Tuesday, May 11, 2010

In Honor of Satu Harris

Today, I discovered that a wonderful woman who photographed me last year for a local magazine was killed this past weekend by a repeat offender drunk driver. Satu was a tiny woman whose zest for life and positive attitude made her seem larger than life. I only had the pleasure of working with her one day, but in that short time er personality made an impact. That's the type of person she was. Although she was a 38 yr. old mother of three, she could easily be mistaken for a teenage. She was a ray of sunshine and this part of the world will be a little overcast without her in it. My heart goes out to her family.

Here are some of her sights:
Artist Bio
Facebook Memorial
Website (note her website is down right now)


  1. That is such a tragedy.
    Glad she made such an impact. The truly special people do that.

  2. That is really sad. She obviously made an impact on people because she's got a wonderful memorial on facebook.


  3. That's horrific! Her poor family must be devastated. She sounds like an incredible woman. My thoughts are with her family.

  4. Such a sad tragedy. She sounds like a wonderful person. Keeping her family in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thoughts in Progress

  5. Thanks for all your comments. She was a great lady.

  6. How tragic - a death which could have been averted. I know it's a shock to everyone who knew her, but she sounds like she was such a dynamic person she will live on in their hearts and in who they are because they knew her.

  7. I am so sorry to hear that. She must have been a very wonderful person to make such an impact. It's so sad.
