Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dancing With My Father by Sally Clarkson and Mother-Daughter Duet by Cheri Fuller

Dancing With My Father by Sally Clarkson

Sally Clarkson set out to find the joy missing in her life by strengthening her relationship with God. In her book, Dancing With My Father, she sets out to teach us how to do this as well. While this book is geared toward the Christian woman, Clarkson chooses to use Daniel as one of her main focal points instead of any one of the dynamic women in the Bible. She includes great quotes and references from the Bible throughout as well as personal stories. What sets out to be part memoir, part Christian self-help loses some of its inspiration for me. Clarkson seems to want to write an inspirational book and yet at the same time be liked by everyone. She tends to waffles in her convictions, which at times leaves the reader to wonder what she really believes. For someone searching for a starting point to finding joy through a relationship with God, they may enjoy this book. Three of five stars.

Mother-Daughter Duet by Cheri Fuller (& her adult daughter, Ali Plum)

One of the toughest relationships is the one between mother and daughter. It can be the most strained and volatile and at the same time most rewarding. Throughout time mothers & daughters have worked to find a balance and understand each other. Cheri Fuller and her daughter, Ali, have given us an example of how with love and a commitment to communication a mother and daughter can find harmony.

Most mothers worry too much and subconsciously feel the need to control the life of their child. Most daughters, no matter how much they may love their mother, fear becoming her, so they rebel. Cheri and Ali show how it is possible to walk in each other’s shoes, yet not lose who they are. A great book for any mother and daughter who feel they are at an impasse in their relationship. Four out of five stars.

Both of these boos were provided by Water Brook Multnomah Publishing


  1. Very interesting reviews. I am especially intrigued with Mother-Daughter Duet. It sounds like this would provide helpful insight into the complexity of the mother/daughter relationship.

  2. I forgot to wish you a wonderful day! March 4 is National Grammar Day; a holiday for grammar lovers! ☺

  3. Both of these sound like interesting books. Enjoyed the reviews and thanks for sharing.

  4. I could probably use that second one... LOL!
