I received this award from L Diane Wolfe yesterday. Thank you so much Diane. You are the best. If you haven't checked out her fabulous blog, click on her name to go there.
I am supposed to list 10 things (I'm only going to do 7 because I can't think of others at the moment) about myself, then pass the award on to some other bloggers!
1. When I was younger I wanted to be a journalist. In fact I was the Feature Editor of my high school paper
2. In college, I did a cartoon for the school paper called "Smidgette"
3. I once ran a haunted movie theater. Yes, with a real ghost.
4. I'm a big fan of comic books and used to be quite a collector.
5. Speaking of collections, I also collect medieval weapon replicas, swords and daggers. You never know when you might have to do battle ( I'd never slay a dragon, love them too much)
6. I have never been camping, but I have slept out under the stars on a horse farm.
7. My first job was as a Gorgio spokes model. Scary! The perfume makes me sneeze.
The Sugar Dolls I know and love are:
Crystal at Crystal Clear Proofing
Pixie at Just Random Stuff
Zia at My Life in Not So Many Words
PJ Ray at Musical Pencil and Backspace Junkie (gotta love that blog title)
Random Thoughts of the Day:
Well, not really random... more of a heads up. After reading post on blogging yesterday at Spunk on a Stick Tips and Tossing It Out, I decided I have been a bad follower, because I really don't have time to visit and comment on all the blogs I have signed up to follow. In fact, I discovered I was following over 120 blogs, most of which, to be honest, I wasn't really following. Don't get me wrong, it's not because they weren't great blogs and their bloggers wonderful people, I just simply don't have the time. So I printed out a list of all of them and have been going through them. If they have a email subscriber button, I have signed up to follow then that way and deleted myself as a regular follower. I don't really need to follow both ways. And for a few I simply added their links to my notebook and stopped following. For those they are fun and wonderful sites but either don't post often or are not ones I will really follow diligently, but I wnated to make sure I could occasionally check on them. I know this may upset a few bloggers, and for that I apologize. In order for me to start being a better follower and commenter, I have to get my list down to a more manageable level. Please understand it's not about your blogs but my lack of time. I completely understand if you feel you need to stop following my blog for the same reason. While I love having a lot of followers, I know there are a million blogs out there and some of us are wearing ourselves thin.
I also want to say, that while I am moderator spammers, if you have a new or fabulous blog you want me and my readers to check out, feel free to leave a comment with a link for us. I will check it out and and as long as your link is legit, I will approve it so you can reach more people.
A huge thank you to all my followers, email subscribers and commenters! You make bloggng worthwile. And even though I have taken away the little giveaway widget in my sidebar, I still occasional send books to my commenters after I read them, so if you see a title that interest you, let me know. I can't promise you'll get it, but you might.
Happy Blogging, Everyone!!!
Thank you for the award! You made my evening =)
ReplyDeleteOh, Chris. I can't tell you how much receiving this award means to me. THANK YOU FOR THINKING OF ME.
ReplyDeleteI've been doing the same thing with my blog roll. Some I've removed from my list, but haven't stopped following, some I have. Like you I'm trying to consolidate, and this opens up opportunities to discover new blogs! Like you said, there are millions out there!
Totally hear you on the following issue... I am a 'follower' of a bizzillion, but find the WAY I actually follow is 'when I have time, I scroll those in my side bar' so periodically I update those in my sidebar--removing the infrequent or those I added that don't end up being quite the match I thought they were. It's hard though--finding time to blog, read, write, work, parent... all that...
ReplyDelete(Congrats to all of you on awards!)
I still have big box of comic books, plus several swords and a Klingon weapon.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't worry - you're not missing much with the camping.
I've not a lot of followers, although I follow twice as many blogs, but I can forsee it growing to unmanagable proportions one day. I try and comment a couple times a week on most blogs, although I suck on the weekends.
Alex we have lots in common. Maybe I should have added I hosted a Klingon Wedding. Now that was interesting.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the mention of both blogs! (We laughed that we blogged about similar issues on the same day.)
ReplyDeleteHey, I think I follow over 200 blogs now - LOL! Nope, I do not have time to comment on every one.
And a Klingon wedding? Do you still have photos????
Thank you for the lovely award. I'll do my absolute best to acknowledge & pass this along by this weekend.
ReplyDeleteDiane I think I do have pictures somewhere in storage. Those were the days before we all went digital.
ReplyDeletenice post. thanks.
ReplyDeleteNice blog.Now,from your blog,I know something others. thanks.Let's keep in touch.