Thursday, February 11, 2010

A romantic blast from the past - Relationship advice from the 1930's & 40's

I was in a specialty gift boutique recently and came across a charming set of booksthat were originally published in the 1930’s and 1940’s. They were recently republished by the son of the original authors, Pietro Ramirez Jr. With Valentine’s Day this weekend, I felt they are the perfect books to share with you.

The Art of Kissing – Tips & Techniques from the 1930’s by Pietro Ramirez Sr. 1936
The Art of Dating – Necking, Petting & Popularity: Wisdom from the 1940’s by Pietro Ramirez Sr.
How to Get Along with Girls – Secrets, Advice & Wisdom from the 1940’s by Pietro Ramirez Sr. 1944
How to Get Along with Boys – Secrets, Advice & Wisdom from the 1940’s by Zoraido Maria de Sagarra Ramirez 1945

Every generation has their social, dating and love rituals. While some things are timeless, it is always interesting to see how people approached these situations in the past. These are small gift books, around $4-5 each. Reading them is like stepping into a classic black and white film. There is something charming in looking back. We often think of past generations as having a certain innocence or quaintness. However, like every generation, the sexes know how to manipulate each other to get what they want in the game of love. Although many of the techniques used over half a century ago would not work today, some would still be quite effective and some may make you wonder what react they would get in our modern dating world. Overall, these are fun books and interesting novelty gifts.


  1. What fun those must have been to read! A lover of old things, books definitely included (!) the nostalgia appeals to me, as does reading what techniques were used fifty years ago. No doubt you found yourself LOL at some of them!

  2. They did have me laughing but also wanting to watch some of my classic black & white movies. There were so many parts I wanted to include in the review that I couldn't decided on just a few so I decided to leave quotes out. One of my favorites came from the kissing book, where he instructs the man to make sure his date is positioned on the end of the couch with the arm to her back, this way she can't get away when he moves in to kiss her. Funny books.

  3. What a hoot! Where on earth did you find those?

  4. Diane- I got them at a fabulous little store in downtown Wilmington. Here is the website:

    Patrizia (the owner) doesn't have them on the website, but there is a contact link and you can email her to order them. I'll be doing a post on her wonderful store soon.

  5. What a cute set of books. I love finding books that take you back in time like that. It gives you some insight into how things were.

  6. I bet some of the advice is a bit prude!

  7. What a great idea! I'm with Crystal on the nostalgia factor. Great gift idea...And great shopping in Wilmington idea! I love downtown Wilmington!


  8. Love likes the fire, it can't be made a fool, it would burn your own.
    The true love suddenly broken, not only but like the old man who has lost the stick.
    True love is love which only for two person, and no place for the third person.
