Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Book Review - What's He Really Thinking? by Paula Rinehart

Professional counselor and author, Paula Rinehart uses her experience to delve into the male psyche in What's He Really Thinking? How To Be A Relationship Genius With The Man In Your Life. She takes a biblical look at understanding the men in our lives by understanding what motivates them, what hurts them, how they learn and what influence women play on them. She then delves into what we need and expect from men and why they react to these challenges and conflicts the way they do.

I've grown up around men and often feel more in tune to them than I do to women. I chose this book to see if Rinehart had some new insight into the minds of men. I was disappointed to read the same old "words of wisdom" that dozens of other authors, therapist, people in general provide. The only new perspective she offered was the biblical references. While I enjoyed this new perspective and the stories she provided as examples, I think she simplifies man too much. Men are definitely less complicated than women in many mental aspects; however, they can still be quite complex. It would be interesting to see how a man would review this book and if he would agree with her conclusions. The book may be helpful to women who have very little contact with men, but I don't feel the average woman will find it useful, although they may be able to relate to some of the examples given. I would only give it two out of five stars.

*This book was provided by Thomas Nelson.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I've read dozens upon dozens of relationship books and there's not a lot of new ideas out there.

    And I tend to feel more relaxed around men as well. You're pretty cool, though! *grin*

    L. Diane Wolfe “Spunk On A Stick”
