In our modern lives we spend most of our time in a rush, so much so that even our thought processes are on high speed. We move so fast we often lose sight of who we fundamentally are, what we truly care about and what is the actual source of our discomforts. To achieve an inner peace and tune in to the reality around us we need to slow down and "Unplug". Sharon Salzberg has created a kit to help one do just that. Unplug (ISBN 978-1-59179-638-1) includes two CD's, a set of flashcards and a guidebook. The CD's are meditations to teach us the skills we need to use time wisely and dispel distractions. The cards are to inspire and remind us of the truths we know on a subconscious level but have forgotten. The book breaks down the journey into eight segments and gives us context and guidance for this journey.
The segments contain the following topics:
1. Calming the Mind- When you develop a degree of tranquility, the quietness enables you to have a better and clearer connection with everything around you.
2. Trusting Yourself- We need to learn to trust our own experience and ask ourselves, "What do I truly need to be happy."
3. Facing Challenges- We need to open our hearts and have courage to openly acknowledge what we can't control.
4. Letting Go- This is a refuge we can find through meditation. "We learn to see with less illusion, we begin to accept that no matter how we feel about it, life will never become predictable and orderly and fixed."
5. Being Present- By simply being we are giving birth to our wholeness and by being completely present for another, we are showing a true act of love.
6. Opening the Heart- What we do right now has far reaching effects over time and space. When we look at others, we also see something about ourselves.
7. Knowing Yourself- We must be open to truly knowing and loving ourselves.
8. Being with the World- We must realize that every aspect of our lives is connected to every other aspect of our lives.
I originally purchased this as a relaxation aid. While following the meditations, you do feel a sense of calm and peace, but this kit really encourages you to look within yourself. By teaching you to find an inner peace, it enables you to find that serenity in your everyday life. A very useful tool in our fast paced world. I give this four out of five plugs.
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