When you bring up the subject of soul mates you get mixed responses. Many people don't believe in them and many who do only think of soul mates in terms of a romantic partner. The concept of soul means different things to different people depending on where and how they were raised, cultural and religious influences. I believe that the soul takes many journeys and that it often comes back to “Earth” in different lifetimes. I believe that certain souls are destined to be connected and that when one lifetime ends it is only a matter of time before they find their way back to each other in subsequent lives. I believe that we don't have just one soul mate. I believe we have many and that each serves a certain purpose on our journey. You know that connection you feel when you meet a certain person and you feel like you have known them forever, you feel an instant unexplainable bond even if you seem to have nothing in common at first. I believe this is our souls recognizing each other. I have been lucky to find several of my soul mates... many years ago, a little girl who I am supposed to watch over as she goes through life; just last fall, a sister, with whom the connection goes beyond blood and time....
Now do I believe in a romantic soul mate? Well if you had asked my formerly jaded and guarded self at the beginning of the year, I might have told you... not so much. In the matters of romantic love, I have never had the best of luck. Don't get me wrong, my often disastrous choices did serve a purpose in my life. After the last one, I decided to try online dating. Those of you who have tried it... you know. It is nothing like the warm fuzzy commercials they show on tv. I'm sure it is “interesting for both sexes... but for women, we get bombarded with pervs, psychos, stalkers, scammers, weirdos and desperate men. After many disastrous and comical “dates” I was even going to write a satirical book about the experiences but life got busy as it often does, I took a sabbatical from men and dating then before I knew it the book just wasn't me anymore and I was done with dating finding, the mythical “one”. In case you are wondering where this is going.... never say say never.... it will come back to bite you. Spring this year brought a mischievous current in it's winds this year. Before all the drama of late April begin... boredom and a little curiosity prompted me to once again venture onto an online dating site. A dear friend and fellow singleton, had mentioned a free online dating site that he at one point asked my opinion on (I have tried most of them)... so I decided what the heck, it's not like I'm going to find anyone “normal” much less compatible but I had some time to kill so why not check it out. What I found was actually a decent site, especially for a free one. Oh there were the usual suspects lurking but as I finished loading up my profile and scanning the “available” prospects I happened upon a rather intriguing profile. Don't get me wrong, it's not that there weren't many interesting profiles to choose from but this one.... had something different about it. It was relatively simple but had one line that spoke to me... so I took a chance and sent a little note. Hmmm he responded but seemed as equally guarded as I was so wasn't sure that was really going to go anywhere. Still... although others vied for my attention, his messages were the ones I looked every time I logged on. Then just when we finally started getting to know each other and communicating more, wouldn't you know I go and get sick, work/life gets complicated.... not the best way to start a romance, if that was really where that was even headed. I mean come on, this was an online guy, nothing about him was probably even real, they rarely are, and if they are once you meet you almost wish they would crawl back in the hole they came out of. Ok, that was mean, but seriously I've dated those creatures, not fun. Still, this one was different and so we continued to let the connection develop from our safe little distance until finally we decided to be brave and meet in person. Yes, I did jokingly warn him I had mace and a stun gun... and on the big day I did have running shoes on. But as I sit here typing this while grinning like some silly school girl, I can tell you that it turns out, he wasn't a troll, far from it... in fact there really are a few princes left in the world and romantic soul mates do exist...
So, dear readers... there has been another reason for my absence from the blog world... in the midst of life's little challenges of late I have been kept busy being swept off my feet by my gentle giant. At the risk of sounding like one of those sappy commercials it truly is possible to find “the one” on an online dating site... seems the fates work in mysterious ways....
So beautifully written, Chris. And I'm just so incredibly happy for you! I like your view of soul mates, and I'm so happy that I found my *sister* last fall. You're truly a blessing and a gift from god, my friend!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful. He sounds intriguing and you sound happy. Best of luck.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I believe in soul mates as well.
Thoughts in Progress
Crystal- Welcome back to the bloggy world. You have been very missed.
ReplyDeleteMason- He is incredible and inspiring.
That's so awesome! I'm still too jaded for myself, but I'm thrilled that someone else found "it." Go you!
ReplyDeleteSM- Thanks. I was jaded until I met him.
ReplyDeleteThat's really cool, CC. Enjoy the moment and your new friend.
ReplyDeleteWell, that's good for you and hope it all turns out well. I don't know about meeting someone over the internet, but it seems like it could be a very efficient way of getting through the initial getting-to-know-you trivialities.
ReplyDeleteI met my "soul-mate" in 1980, married her in 1982 and had 3 wonderful children, and she left me and the kids in 1992. So much for that soulmate concept.
Tossing It Out
CC-I'm so happy for you! I happen to (skeptically) believe as you do--that there are several souls that cycle through different lives and relationships together. My husband is an important other ALL the time, but I suspect he isn't my key romantic partner (it seems more maternal/child in some ways).--my son and I, somewhere along the lines are very tight best friends...
ReplyDeleteI'm thrilled though, that you've met somebody special and it was meant to be!
Alex & Hart- thanks
ReplyDeleteLee- Sorry your soulmate didn't work out, but atleast you have three hopefully awesome children.
Such good news - worth waiting for. Congratulations. So tell me, when do we get to 'meet' the lucky guy?
Thans Anna. He's bashful but I may convince him to come say hi on here.
ReplyDeleteHi. It seems like everyone has their own view of soulmates. As you said CC they can come in many different people. I have known it and recently ive been lucky enough to experience her. D.
ReplyDeleteD- I'm the lucky one.