Thursday, December 10, 2009

Book Review - It's In The Eyes by Charles Toftoy

There is a serial rapist/murderer on the loose in our nation’s capital. The Chief of Police is way out of his league and thinks that by bullying his subordinates, they will solve the case faster and make him look good. Unfortunately there is more to this case than meets the eye, but luckily for the citizens of Washington, DC, Deputy Chief Cory is on the case and he’s working with an outside team who knows how to catch and deal with killers like this. University professor Dr. Lars Neilsen, ace reporter Brenda, former FBI profiler Doris and former military Nate investigate the murders of the four blonde blue-eyed coeds, along side the police but without the restrictions the officer’s have. Is it the work of one man or is there more than one psychotic killer on the loose.

In It’s in the Eyes, Charles Toftoy has created an interesting cast of characters and he does an excellent job of keeping the reader from guessing the conclusion. There are times, however, when the story falls flat and extraneous bits of information and chapters slow the momentum of the plot. There are also one or two characters that just don’t ring true and their moments are distracting. However, even with those flaws, the story keeps you interested and is overall an enjoyable read. 3.5 out of five yellow scarves.

This book was provided by the author and will be given to one lucky commenter.


  1. I like that you were honest about it. It sounds worth checking out, but more of a library read than a buy?
    Thanks for introducing me to a new author!
    I also wanted to say that I agree with you about "Encyclopedia of Signs&Symbols". That's exactly what I bought it for-research and writing ideas! I'd be interested to know what other "Encyclopedia's" you have and which you think are worth the money.


  2. Thanks for the candid review. The trailer is quite well done, I thought.

    Marvin D Wilson
