This book is an excellent eye-opener. Beck uses the example Thomas Paine set in 1776 with his penning of Common Sense. Like Thomas Paine, Beck is encouraging us, the citizens of America, to take back control of our future and freedoms. He makes excellent points and gives examples throughout the book of how corrupt and power hungry our government is. He doesn't choose sides. He's not in favor of the Republicans or the Democrats. He unabashedly show the flaws and misuses of power by both. He also shows how we are just sitting back and letting these politicians steal more power for themselves and break laws without having to have consequences for breaking them. Our Congress and House of Representatives have placed themselves above and outside the law. But can we really blame them? Or are we just as responsible by not standing up for our rights and the priniciples our founding fathers established. America used to be a super power, we were a land of hope, freedom. And now we are quickly becoming the laughing stock country that other countries look down their noses at. Is this the politicians fault? Well partly, yes. But the real blame lies with us, every individual American, for not stepping up to the plate and demanding to be heard. Do our votes really count? Right now, no, they don't! Why is that? It's because we don't do our homework, we take the easy way out. We vote for who they tell us to vote for, who we think our friends and family are going to vote for. We vote for a party instead of the values and ideas the individual is representing. We vote for the person who has been in office for many years, because they have the experience, right? Wrong!!! They know how to use their power to stay in power. We believe their lies, because we want the easy answers, the easy life. An easy life we aren't getting, they are! Beck is right, we need new blood in our politics and we need to limit how long they can hold their position. Until we are willing to do that, to take that risk, to shake things up, we will continue to see our wonderful country spiral into Orwell's 1984 society. I personally think Beck is loud, obnoxious and I don't always agree with the things he says. But this book, is Common Sense, whether we want to face it or not., whether we like Beck or not, whether we agree with is views or not. I give this book 5 out of 5 votes. Not because I will read it again, not because I think it's an easy or great read, but because I think it has an important message. We can all complain about government, and this politician or that one, but unless we start doing something about it, we aren't using our common sense and we have no right to complain if we have buried our heads in the sand instead of fighting for our Democracy.
I want to share a passage from the book, that for me sums up the message behind it. This is from page 21...
" There was a time when our political leaders inspired America to greatness and motivated us to face daunting challenges with courage and resolve. Our political leaders led us to successfully revolt against the British. they convinced us to defeat Nazism, fasism ans imperialism by fighting it in the homelands that gave birth to those ideologies. they encouraged us in our fifty-year-long struggle against the spread of communism-- and they captivated the world as we watched it collapse under its own weight.
There was a time when our political leaders cited their leadership, temperament, experience, judgement, character, and merit in order to gain the trust and support of a skeptical electorate. Today they purchase votes and campaign cash by boasting about the pork they've secured for their pet projects or the billions they've passed along to their powerful political allies.
With a few notable exceptions, our political leaders have become nothing more than parasites who feed off our sweat and blood. They fail to appreciate America's potential or recognize hersuperiority and instead they view her as just another country to be sucked dry for their own benefit, without regard for the health of the host."
ReplyDeleteWhat an excellent - EXCELLENT post, Chris.
You've done a superb job of not only providing an exceptional review of Beck's book, but in making some powerful, true and (for us Americans) shameful observations.
The Founding Fathers of our (once) great country would be appalled.
Enough is enough. Are we really willing to continue to just sit back and let all of this happen?
Every person in this - again - once great nation needs to STOP BEING PASSIVE, and begin taking action to reclaim our country and what is SUPPOSED to stand for.
I might have to check that out! I know our country is in a sad state. And it didn't happen overnight - it's been a gradual process. A frog will jump out of boiling water, but place him in cold water and gradually turn up the heat and he will cook to death.
ReplyDeleteAmericans, the frog is boiling!
It is a compelling book. He shows examples all of how things slowly began to unravel back in the early 1900's. Love the frog analogy!
ReplyDeleteOver the last few years, I've become increasingly suspicious of our government and their motives. The fact that Obama was confirmed elected before most Alaskans had even cast their vote was pretty much the clincher for me, not that I had anything against the man himself at the time. I'll have to check out this book, just to get the full picture. Thanks Carter
ReplyDelete*snicker* I'm so glad this works now.