This is the Honest Scrap award. It is for those bloggers who write from the heart. I received it from L. Diane Wolfe, one of my favorite bloggers. The rules are to pass it along to seven bloggers and then list 10 honest things about myself. Here are those deserving of this honor, bloggers who write from the heart and touch me because of it:
Page: Ecalyptus Way & Snideties
NotNessie: Today's Adventure
Joshua: Wildman 4 God
Crystal: Crystal Clear Proofing
Misty: Book Rat
Raonaid: Visionary Druid
Kaye: Pudgy Penguin Perusals
10 honest things about me:
I love cats, but I also love all animals and over the years have had cats, dogs, ferrets, and a skunk
I love plants but have black thumbs....I can look at a plant and it will wither, it's sad.
I have a tattoo and few people know that.
I'm terrified of heights. I have no problem climbing a tall ladder, tree, etc. but once I get to the top I freeze like a cat. Luckily I can usually be talked down, but it would be tons more fun if there were more hunky firemen around to rescue me.
Speaking of fires, many many years ago, when I ran a movie theater, it caught on fire, I actually put the fire out and orchestrated the evacuation of over 100 kids from the building and got a plaque from the fire department. What they didn't know was I didn't even think about what I was doing, I just reacted.
Spent the about 7 yrs after my divorce being a total social butterfly, and the past two years I've taken a step back to really get to know who I am.
Currently working on a satirical non-fiction book on some of my social butterfly days. The stories keep my local friends rolling with laughter, hoping the rest of world finds them as humorous.
Like Diane, I have an addiction for candy corn pumpkins.
I'm both an artist and a writer, but I have to block one out and focus on the other to accomplish anything.
My current favorite song is I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. It always makes me smile.
Gotta love those candy corn pumpkins!!
ReplyDeleteAnd don't feel bad. I kill all but spider plants. That's why most of mine are now plastic...
L. Diane Wolfe “Spunk On A Stick”
Chris thank you so much for this award! What an honor!
ReplyDeleteTomorrow I will post a blog passing this award on and listing my "ten things!" This truly is very special to me. Thank you again!