I have decided to add a new weekly feature, I'm calling "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly". This feature will be a review of or an introduction to fellow bloggers. Don't let the title fool you, my purpose is not to bash other bloggers, so think of "bad" as the slang I grew up with (am I telling my age?)... bad means cool. And by current slang I should say "the sick" but hey, I am a movie buff, so ugly means awesome. I will try to pick three blogs that have a similar theme each week. Please leave me comments and let me know what you think of this feature and any suggestion of blog types you'd like to know more about.
For this first post I was intrigued by a blurb I saw on MSN about a thirteen year old fashionista whose blog has a huge following so I had to check out some of the teenage fashion bloggers.
The Good.... Meet Tavi Gevinson, the pint sized fashionista from Chicago. Her blog, Style Rookie, has taken the fashion world by force and she has become their new darling. She has caught the eyes of the designing sisters, Mulleavy, who are behind Rodarte and has graced the cover of British fashion magazines, Pop and Love. Her blog is full of interesting if odd fashion choices and her thirteen year old voice is charming. Is she a true fashinista? Well, considering most fashionistas have a sense of style that few who live in the real world would be seen in public wearing, then yes, she is well on her way to fitting in with the high society types. Her blog is cute, although for 99% of us, I wouldn't follow her fashion advice. What looks adorable on a thirteen year old does not translate well to those of us out of school. Her blog is definitely worth a look, as it is a fun and charming look at the world through the eyes of a young girl.
The Bad.... Meet Arabelle, the sixteen year old who describes herself as "offensive and funny." Her blog Fashion Pirates, definitely shows she has diverse interest and influence, including her godmothers, "a nun and a former "madam" in New York." She also loves anything Asian and follows Tavi's blog. Her blog is a little more sophisticated than Tavi's and her post have a more wearable sense of style, for the most part. Reading her blog is like watching one of those high school shows, The OC, One Tree Hill, etc., only with more personality. Her post are fun and flirty. If you know a girl of that age, they would definitely be in to her blog, and it might give those of us who left high school a very long time ago a glimpse into what goes through the minds of the young girls of today.
The Ugly.... Meet Jane. Jane is a sixteen year old blogger from Texas. Out of all the young fashion bloggers I researched before picking the three for this post, hers is the only one I follow. Her blog, Sea of Shoes, is like a breath of fresh air. Her blog is probably 80% pictures and they are stunning. She is enigmatic and beautiful. Out of all the bloggers, she has an incredible sense of style, which apparently she inherited from her mother, whom she features as a model in her post frequently. Both generations of women photograph fabulously. Jane also peppers beautiful non-fashion photos throughout. I think it is her love of vintage and the classy way she displays that love that captured me. She is a classic muse and should have a stunning future in the fashion world, if all self-proclaimed avant-garde fashionistas will stop taking over and presenting us with dreadful clothing looks. Definitely check out her blog, if you even remotely like fashion or great photography you'll be hooked.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Photo Tuesday- Spunk on a Stick's Old Memories Photo Challenge
Last Tuesday Diane at Spunk on a Stick Tips posted some great photos from her past and at the end of the post she asked who was brave enought to post old photo memories. I took her up on her challenge and suggested she make Photo Tuesday a meme.
Unfortunately most of my old photos are on floppies or in albums, but here are a few I found in digital format.....

A 7 year-old me. Luckily I survived the crazy 80's hair and this picture looks a little like my hair now.

Me at 13 practicing posing on my dad's truck. It was a southern thing....

Ah, waiting for prom.... again, scary make-up in back then, but hey I had a tan for once and I actually had on pink. My least favorite color.

This was my Senior Yearbook Photo. Probably the only school photo I ever half-way liked.

Many decades ago I was a model. These were a few of the photos in my portfolio. Can you tell it was the 80's with the heavy makeup and big hair?

Me as a nun, but not just any nun. I used to run a movie theater and I was dressed up for a movie promotion for the release of Freddy's Dead. I was his mother. And that was taken with one of those now extinct cameras, the Polariod.

This was one of my tax students, Linda, and I winding down after tax season.

This is me on my first computer many many years ago. That is Willow on the bed with me.
Unfortunately most of my old photos are on floppies or in albums, but here are a few I found in digital format.....

A 7 year-old me. Luckily I survived the crazy 80's hair and this picture looks a little like my hair now.

Me at 13 practicing posing on my dad's truck. It was a southern thing....

Ah, waiting for prom.... again, scary make-up in back then, but hey I had a tan for once and I actually had on pink. My least favorite color.

This was my Senior Yearbook Photo. Probably the only school photo I ever half-way liked.
Many decades ago I was a model. These were a few of the photos in my portfolio. Can you tell it was the 80's with the heavy makeup and big hair?

Me as a nun, but not just any nun. I used to run a movie theater and I was dressed up for a movie promotion for the release of Freddy's Dead. I was his mother. And that was taken with one of those now extinct cameras, the Polariod.
This was one of my tax students, Linda, and I winding down after tax season.
This is me on my first computer many many years ago. That is Willow on the bed with me.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Book Review - A Perfect Evil by Alex Kava

Kava weaves an excellent tale of intrigue that will leave your nails chewed down to the quick. Her details can be a bit gory and unsettling but add a sense of realism to the story. She gives the reader a feeling of following real events and not just a fictitious tale. Kava does a masterful job of balancing the family issues of the characters, as well as building tension in the small town. Maggie O'Dell is a character in many of her novels and having purchased them all, I can't wait to see where her next case takes her. Given I have already purchased her other works, it should be no surprise, A Perfect Evil gets five out of five crosses.
Many authors have great websites and Kava is no exception. One of the things I love about hers is the fact that she takes you behind the story. A Perfect Evil was inspired by real life events in 1983. It is always refreshing when an author shares the story behind a particular book,in this case, A Perfect Evil. She also gives us insight on who is Maggie O'Dell? You can even read the prologue.
For those of you who are already fans or soon to be fans,you can request a signed bookplate by sending an email to fans@alexkava.com
Friday, September 25, 2009
Who Love's You Baby Award

Thank you! Thank you! For the Who Love's You Baby Award from Misty at Book Rat
Hers are some of the blogs I love:
Jenn @ Don't Publish Me
AngelQ Expressions
Zia @ My Life In Not So Many Words
Thursday, September 24, 2009
L. Diane Wolfe Launches Her Virtual Tour for Circle of Friends, Book IV... Mike on Oct. 3rd

One of my favorite authors is gearing up for the release of the newest book in the Circle of Friends Series, Book IV...Mike with a virtual tour. Don't miss a chance to get to know her better.

A prisoner of guilt for so long…
Mike Taylor is the epitome of stability. His family is proud of
his academic and athletic achievements at Georgia Tech, and
despite the temptations of college life, he has maintained his
moral standards.
Yet beneath the peaceful surface, Mike is consumed with guilt,
fearing condemnation and rejection. A former girlfriend’s
abortion and the intense love he feels for his roommate’s wife
constantly remind Mike of his failures. Unable to forget and
full of shame, he refuses to forgive himself.
When Danielle enters his life, he realizes he can no longer hide
the past. Will she be able to reach him or is Mike past the point
of redemption?
Release date: October 6, 2009
$19.95 USA, 6x9 Trade paperback, 300 pages, Fiction/YA
ISBN 978-0-9816210-4-3 / 0-9816210-4-X
“Book IV…Mike is such a powerful, engrossing, incredible, beautiful
novel. But it still manages to be light hearted, funny and heart felt.
There is real emotion and real people in these pages…”
- The Book Pedler
“Book IV will grab you where you live, and will not leave you disappointed.”
-Michael Douglas
The virtual tour for this book begins soon! This includes interviews,
articles, reviews, and chances to win a free copy!
Oct 3 - http://thebookmuncher.blogspot.com Book Muncher
Oct 4 - http://www.spunkonastick.deviantart.com/ week-long tour on Deviant Art
Oct 5 - http://www.booklandheights.blogspot.com/ Bookland Heights
Oct 6 - http://www.popsyndicate.com/booksPop Syndicate
Oct 7 - http://wwwsimplymegan.blogspot.com/ Simply Megan
Oct 8 – http://www.theoldsilly.com The Old Silly’s Free Sprit Blog
Oct 9 - http://siamckye.blogspot.com/ Sia McKye’s Thoughts Over Coffee
Oct 11 - http://writersinbusiness.blogspot.com/ Writers in Business
Oct 12 - http://godusesbrokenvessels.blogspot.com/ God Uses Broken Vessels

Make sure you check out the book trailer for The Circle of Friends, highlighting all five books in the series! Please check it out on YouTube –
or on her website.
And don't forget to stop by her blog, Spunk on a Stick. It's a better pick-me-up than a cup of coffee.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Book Review - The Elemental Witch Series by Anya Bast

The difference between witches and warlocks is the difference between good and evil. Anya Bast has taken our world and injected it with witches, warlocks and demons from an alternate universe. Witches are born their gifts in one of the four elements: fire, earth, water or air. With the power over these elements they also have other gifts that compliment their power. Some are raised knowing they are witches and some are "lost witches" who grow into adulthood not knowing the power they possess. For some the power is more than they can handle and they allow it to corrupt their thoughts and actions. Those who use their powers for gain and corruption are the warlocks. They hide behind the international corporation, Duskoff. The top of this corporation think nothing of sacrificing humans and witches in their ruthless quest for power. They bring demons into our world from an alternate world, Eudae. The characters are all vibrant, with pasts that have molded them into complex interesting creatures. Each book takes on a new stage of a journey to keep the Warlocks from achieving there goal to take over the world. While each book has a host of interesting characters, it is centered around a pair of Witches who must fight to survive and save each other from the darkness. These books are billed as paranormal romance, but Anya bast doesn't follow your typical romance formula. Yes, there are the erotic elements and the love story between two characters in each book, Bast breaks the romance walls by filling her stories action and suspense. Her books convey a modern sense of family and belonging, where family is not always the people you share DNA with but the people you can bare your soul to knowing they will stand by you no matter what. That is what the Coven in her books represents. Those who may be outcast in the outside world have a place to fit in. Isn't that something we all want? I believe that is one of the reasons her books are so popular. Whether a main character or a supporting character, one can find someone to relate to in her books. So far there are four books in the series:
Witch Fire- is the story of Jack and Mira. We first learn about the Coven and the secret society of witches who protect us against Warlocks in Witch Fire. Jack,a fire witch, is assigned to protect Mira, an air witch, who doesn't know she is a witch until warlocks show up on her doorstep to kidnap her. Jack is sworn to protect her, but he has a secret that could destroy any trust he gains from Mira. After just getting on her feet after ending a bad marriage the last thing Mira needs is to discover she is a rare an powerful witch, to learn her family has lied to her all her life and to deal with an over-protective, incredibly enticing man. Jack has to come to terms with his own demons from the past as he tries to deny his growing attraction for Mira. As their feeling for each other grow, can he keep his secret from her and keep her safe, or will she become the newest pawn in the Warlocks quest for power?
Witch Blood- Isabella is determined to avenge her sister murder at the hands of a demon brought into this world by the Duskoff Cabal. Thomas as leader of the Coven,want to see justice served as well but must act diplomatically to get the answers he needs to protect his Coven. From the beginning sparks and tempers fly between these two. While they ultimately have the same goal, will they be able to work together to achieve it? Isabella, having had a tragic childhood, has never been able to let anyone close to her, except her sister. Now with her sister gone, the wall she has built around her heart is even thicker. Thomas, as the Coven's leader has never let himself become too attached to a woman. Preferring to let his duty keep him warm at night, until Isabella ignites a passion in him that he can not deny. In the midst of their alluring dance of avoidance, they must defeat a demon who is killing witches to open a portal to another world and capture the head of Duskoff in order to learn how the demon entered our realm. Will they let down their guards and allow each other into their hearts? Will it be in time to save themselves and their fellow witches, or will they have to make an ultimate sacrifice?
Witch Heart- Claire, was born on earth but at age six was whisked into another dimension, Eudae, and has lived as a handmaiden to Rue, Cae of the Atrayi, the Ytrayi demon who rules over Yrystray. In that realm there are no other humans or witches only the four species of demon, Atrika (aggressive warriors), Syari (scholars), Mandari (builders) and Ytrayi (leaders). For 25 years she has lived in their world. For her it is the only home she knows, but when the Atrika seek to destroy the other species and take over Eudae, Rue places Elium, a powerful magickal weapon inside Claire and transports her to Earth. Like a babe fresh from the womb, Claire must learn how to adjust to the world she came from, but has never known. Her only hope is to find Thomas, the witch trapped in her world, whom she helped escape back to Earth. When Thomas learns, Claire is on Earth, he send his best to guard and protect her. Adam is a powerful fire witch and a player. He goes through women like a fish goes through water to evade a fisherman. He is also one of Thomas' top and most trusted men. When given the task to protect Claire he finds himself drawn to her in a way he hasn't been drawn to a woman since his wife died. Over the course of their journey he will open up to Claire and show her a side he has kept hidden from the world since that tragic night. When demons and warlocks will stop at nothing to capture Claire and extract the Elium from her, many will sacrifice their lives to keep her out of the hands of evil. Adam, determined not to have the past repeat itself will do anything to save her. Claire is devastated that others are suffering and dying to keep her safe. Will Rue, come to Earth and find Claire before it is too late, or will the Demons and warlocks succeed in opening a portal to bring devastation to our world?
Witch Fury- Sarafina, is having the ultimate bad week. Her boyfriend dumped her, she's broke, and the foster mom who raised her just passed away. Could things get any worse? Actually, as in life, she should never ask that question. She returns home only to be kidnapped by international playboy and Duskoff Cabal leader, Stephen, with the aid of the UPS guy who has been flirting with her. They let her in on the fact that she is a fire witch and want her to join their cause so they can help her use these previously unknown powers for their gain. Shortly after being taken, members of the Coven rescue all the witches Duskoff has kidnapped. This throws, Sarafina right into the hands of the obnoxious, albeit seductive, Theo. Theo was kidnapped by the Duskoff Cabal as a teenager and tortured for not agreeing to join them. He owes his life to the Coven for saving him. Because he found Sarafina with Stephen he believes she is a warlock and is determined to make her talk. Although he eventually learns she is innocent and tries to make amends, the two are determined to butt heads, while fighting their growing attraction. When the Coven learns that demons are on Earth and in league with the warlocks, Sarafina will offer to go undercover to find answers and help stop them. Will she be able to foil the warlocks plans? Will Theo and Sarafina be able to resist their growing desire for one another? Will Stephen succeed in destroying the Coven once and for all?
These books give you non-stop adventure, while also exploring deeper human emotions and the sacrifices one will make for the ones they love. They tell erotic love stories, but they also tell the tales of friendship. Bast packs a lot into her books and like a great action movie leave you wanting to "kick some butt." Yet, her books are light reads and easy to get through. The fact that she gives you so many story arcs and so much detail never bogs you down. I read all four in one day. It is definitely a great series to read and I look forward to reading more. Maybe the next book in the series will focus on that scholarly, Micah. He has stayed in the background long enough, Anya. I give this series 4.5 out of 5 witch circles.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Blogoshere Award

I received this award from the lovely Crystal at Crystal Clear Proofing along with the Dragon Loyalty Award.
Crystal created this lovely award to commemorate the fellowship we have in the blogging world. Crystal, thank you so much of thinking of me when you sent out this award. I am honored.
Now for the rules:
It's purpose is simply to acknowledge what we all have in common, and spread some HAPPY! It's exciting to receive an award! You're being given a gift, you're being recognized, appreciated. You're being thought of. And it's FUN! Who doesn't like any of those things?
The rules of this award are simply to acknowledge from whom you received it, and pass it on to people you think would like to have it, for whatever reason you want, or for no special reason at all! Don't NOT pass this, or any award for that matter, on to someone just because they already have one of that award. Receiving more than one of any award is an incredible compliment and honor! Being thought of always makes a person feel good!
We're all SHARING when we blog. So please spread this around! Share it with others, the way you share with everyone every time you post on your blog! Spread some HAPPY! Unite in what we all share and have in common...the Blogosphere!
I pass this on to:
Anna at Anna's Book Blog
Page at Connecting People with Nature and Writers with Words
Tena at Crazy Book Slut (I just love that blog title)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Book Review - Dream Reachers by Chase Von and Betty Dravis

Dream Reachers is a compilation of interviews conducted by Chase Von and Betty Dravis. Some of the interviews offer a glimpse back in time to a young Clint Eastwood, Tanya Tucker, Ted Kennedy and Jane Russell. One shares the story of a Hollywood starlet's compassion. How Ann Sothern read to Betty's six-year-old daughter while she was in the hospital. Most of the interviews cover minor celebrities, musicians and writers. They all share a common theme...people pursuing their dreams,despite where they are in life or what life throws at them. The book also includes wonderful pictures of these inspirational people. Are they doctors, noble prize winners, saints? No,but they do all send the message of hope and faith. As the front cover states, "Only those who stretch to reach their dreams find themselves living them." If this book portrays one main theme it is to take opportunities when they come because you never know where they may lead. That's what Betty did when given the chance to interview Clint Eastwood, even though she had no photographer and was having a very bad hair day. She seized the day and not only got her interview but a great story to share with the readers of this book.
This is a book you don't have to read cover to cover in one sitting because it is a collection. It would be a great coffee table or reception area book. I'd give it 3.5 out of 5 stars.
*This book was provided by the author.
Friday, September 18, 2009
BBAW - My Blog Goals

I can't believe this is the last day of BBAW. This week has flown by and I've met so many new bloggers and had so much fun. Thanks BBAW for giving us our own special week! I really can't believe I managed 4 post in one day and left comments on all those other blogs all before noon, well most before my work day even started.
I just started my blog this summer on a whim and didn't really know what I wanted to write about at first. I love movies and books so it has developed into a review blog mostly with a few other post here and there. My goals for the coming year are to blog on a more consistant basis (hopefully, time won't get away from me too often). I plan to have more interviews and giveaways. I also want to triple my followers, so I'm going to have a contest to help that along (more details on that in a future post).
My goal for the book blogging world is to leave more comments on these other fabulous blogs I follow and subscribe to. And who knows, maybe make up some more new awards (that has been been fun).
Thank you everyone who has been stopping by this week, please check out the blogs listed on the three awards I gave out today. They are all beyond fabulous!! Especially our newbies... they need comments and followers!
The IREX digital eReader
What is the IREX digital eReader? It's a 3G device with an 8 inch screen that supports PDF, HTML, TXT,JPG, BMP, PNG and PRC Four files. It's also expandable via USB, MMC or CF cards. It makes your reading possibilities endless and you can always download new titles. You can take as many books as you want anywhere you want. No more back-breaking bags filled with books when you travel. No more taking time out to drive to the bookstore to find out it closed five minutes ago. It's a bibliophile's dream.
But what is the most important feature in an eReader? It's the ability to explore other worlds, travel through time, meet extraordinary characters, solve mysteries, go on epic adventures, learn new skills.... with an eReader the amount of adventures you can escape into is endless.
To learn how you can enter to win the new IREX version, click here.
But what is the most important feature in an eReader? It's the ability to explore other worlds, travel through time, meet extraordinary characters, solve mysteries, go on epic adventures, learn new skills.... with an eReader the amount of adventures you can escape into is endless.
To learn how you can enter to win the new IREX version, click here.
Heart of a Dragon Award

Yes, I created yet another dragon inspired award. It's BBAW and I think we need even more love circulating in the blog universe.
The Heart of a Dragon Award is a very special award for the blogger who inspires you and/or others to go above and beyond or the blogger who helps keep us all connected.
Here are the rules:
1. Post the award on your site with a link to the person who gave it to you.
2. Pass it on to the blogger(s) who inspire you and list why they are receiving the award.
3. Post a comment on their blog.
Here are the five bloggers I choose:
BBAW because without them there would be no Book Blogger Appreciation Week and we wouldn't have all met each other.
Diane aka Spunk on a Stick because she is my friend and mentor, who always encourages me to write and who is the reason I started blogging in the first place.
J. Kaye because she creates such wonderful meme's and has such a great site that inspires so many bloggers.
Pixie13 aka Just Contest Stuff because she keeps track of and list all the awards, etc. It's like one-stop shopping (make sure you check out her Random Stuff Blog too.)
Kristen aka Bookworming in the 21st Century because every Sunday she features an interview with a book blogger (makes me want to check my email on the weekend, which I try not to do)
Here are two more just because, come on, you have to love the title of their blogs. They go with my dragon theme....
Medieval Bookworm
Book Dragon's Lair
You guys rock because you put your heart in book blogging!
Dragon's Loyalty Award
The Dragon's Loyalty Award is an award for the loyal fan/commenter, whether the recipient is a fellow blogger or just a someone who follows and comments regularly.
Here are the rules:
* If you have a blog, post it on your blog with a link back to the site who gave it to you.
* Leave them a comment on their site, email, etc. to let them know.
* If you don't have a blog but have a website, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or other type account, post there with a link back.
* Pass this on to 3-10 loyal fans.
The official first people to get this award are:(I'm doing more than 10 because I just have so much love to give right now)
Diane at Spunk on a Stick
Crystal at Crystal Clear Proofing
Juju at Tales of Whimsy
Vanessa at Today's Adventure
Austenfan at Reality Bites...Fiction Does It Better and Quintessential Babble
Alexa Poe... ? (I don't know where to find you)
SM Carriere
Author Gale Laurie
Pixie 13 at Just Contest Stuff
Mary at Bookfan
Gautami at Everything distils into reading
Britt at Confessions of a Book Habitue
Amy at The House of Seven Tails (sounds like my house, hmmm)
Raspberry at Two and a half Booklovers (you really shouldn't cut anyone in half)
Jaime at Copper Llama Studio
Ally .... I will try to track you and Alexa down later- if anyone knows their site, let me know.
Bob... I know where to find you.
Noele at Terrible twos and running shoes
Authors Promoting Authors
Cat Johnson
** This is an award you can also pass along any time the urge hits you to spread the blog love.
Yes, I do have a thing for dragons. :)
I tried to get most of my new followers, subscribers, commenters... if I missed you in this batch, (it's been a crazy week, and I'm blonde) and I'll get you in the next few days.
The Quest Award
I created this award to honor beginning bloggers. A new blog can be daunting and every knew blogger has wondered if anyone would even be interested in what they have to say. This award is to show them that, yes, we are reading!!
The rules are simple:
1. Post this on your blog with a link back to the person who gave it to you.
2. When you come across a blog that is less than 3 months old, pass the torch onto the newbie.
3. Post a comment on the blog to let them know they have an award.
4. If you see this award in someone's post check out the new blogs and...
5. Show these new bloggers what comment love is all about!!
I'm going to get this one started by sending this award to two of my favorite people.
Crystal at Crystal Clear Proofing
Anna at A Writing Obsession
SM Carriere
Raspberry at Two and a Half Booklovers
And although a tiny bit more than three months old, still very new:
Jaime at Copper Llama Studio
More of this award will be going out later.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Interview and Giveaway with Preetham Grandhi, author of A Circle of Souls

About a week ago, I reviewed Dr. Grandhi's debut novel, A Circle of Souls. You can read the review here. Today I have the honor of hosting an interview with Dr. Grandhi and a giveaway of a signed copy of his book to one lucky winner.
First, tell my readers a little about yourself.
I come from the South Indian City of Bangalore. After finishing medical school I came to the USA to complete my education and became a Child & Adolescent psychiatrist. I have always been a huge fan of Hollywood and I love watching movies. I like telling stories and one day decided I had a story to tell. That's when I started writing "A
Circle of Souls." I also like to travel, am a photographer, play the guitar, do web design, and play the wii.
When did you first start writing and did you always want to be an author?
I have always had an imagination for story telling, but hadn't written anything until I started this book around 2003, it took about 4 & 1/2 years to write. Now I hope to make a new career out of it if possible.
What is the most challenging aspect of writing? Most rewarding?
Being able to juggle all the other aspects of one's life and finding the creative time to write is very hard. The most rewarding moments are when readers say they enjoyed the story that I had set out to tell.
What inspired you to write A Circle of Souls?
It was a few months post 9/11, and I was looking at the biographies of the people who had lost their lives. I began to wonder if there was a larger meaning to their lives. All of a sudden, a story flashed into my mind, and I quickly wrote it on a piece of paper. I knew then that I needed to write a story that was larger than life. It needed to communicate the essence that there is a bigger purpose and meaning to
our passage on earth.
I knew that in order to capture and convey such a message, the book needed to be captivating, interesting, and thrilling. I realized that a story based on the work I do would be the right place to begin. I am a child psychiatrist and had just started a new job. During my fellowship, I worked with children with numerous psychosocial issues and had many life stories to tell. It was at that moment that I decided I could write a book that would capture all these thoughts. That was how A Circle of Souls was born.
How much research did you do for your book and how much ended up in the finished product?
This kind of work is known as fictional realism, in other words a lot of the book is based on real life experience which is in a way easier to write. I had to do some research but not a whole lot. Whatever I had done I put it in the book.
How long did it take you to write A Circle of Souls?
I wrote the first version in a year and a half. It took 3 more years to revise it over 16 to 17 times. Then finding a publisher was a whole another story.
How much are you like Dr. Peter Gram?
I guess I am similar to Peter in some characteristics. I think the people who have known me the longest will be able to point those out.
Your characters are so realistic, were any of them influenced by people you know?
Yes, many of them are. For example the character Dr. Sheetal was based off my sister who lives in India. I though she would be mad at me if I didn't somehow put her in the book.
Do you have other books in the works? If so, will we see more of the Peter, Leia and /or Naya?
I do plan to write my next one once I have this one off the ground. I can't tell you who's going to be in that book as I am still playing around with ideas.
With your work at House 5 and your private practice, how do you find time to write?
I write when I drive, I don't mean literally. I usually get my ideas then and jot them down later when I get a chance.
Having friends and co-workers of many different nationalities, I love that this story incorporates cultural diversity. While I am familiar with the concept of reincarnation, I was intrigued by the storyline of Naya's psychic ability and the concept of it be inherent in family lineage. Is this a prominent belief in Indian culture and is there a source our readers can go to to learn more?
I am glad you asked me this. I am open to many different ideas about life as there is so much we don't know. Some of the experiences I wrote with Naya is fiction but the concept fortune telling and some of the other things described in the book is based on my own experiences. There are many interesting cultural beliefs that are prevalent in the Indian subcontinent as it is a very ancient culture. I don't know of
any one source to enlighten readers about such phenomenon.
Who and/or what has had the most influence on your life?
I think the friends I grew up with since kindergarten have had the most influence on my life. I am in close touch with many of them even today.
You may ask any three people from history (living or dead) one question each and they must answer truthfully and completely. Whom do you choose and what is your question for each person?
I would ask Hitler what his inner core beliefs were, Neil Armstrong how it felt at the moment he put his foot on the moon and Christian Bale if he actually becomes the character he plays in his movies.
You can influence any one thing in the entire history, the present or the future of the world (what has occurred, how something works,etc.). What would you choose to change and why?
I would like to keep politics out of religion & spirituality because it has given human beings a way to do things free of guilt (in the name of religion) and to pursue their own interests at the cost of others lives and beliefs.
If you could spend the day as another person (someone in history, a favorite author, a public figure, a character in a book, etc.), who would you choose and why?
I would like to be Tintin from the comic series. So that I can have an adventurous life.
Thanks for having me on your blog.
Now it's your turn to post your comments and questions. One lucky commenter will win a signed copy of A Circle of Souls from Preetham. Contest will run through Sept. 30th at 11:59pm and is open to US residents only. Rules are simple: post a comment or question along with your email address and either become a follower or subscriber of this blog.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
BBAW - My Reading Habits
Do you snack while you read? If so, favorite reading snack?
Rarely. But if I do it's usually something like M&M's or those candy corn pumpkins Diane & I love.
Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you?
Fiction I never mark, but non-fiction I sometimes highlight.
How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears? Laying the book flat open?
I have a magnetic bookmark I use, because the cats steal everything else. Sometimes I mark pages with post-it flags also.
Fiction, Non-fiction, or both?
If it's a book, I love it!
Hard copy or audiobooks?
Definitely hard copy. I like audiobooks, but I get too easily distracted and miss things, then have to replay.
Are you a person who tends to read to the end of chapters, or are you able to put a book down at any point?
Depends on the book and the author.
If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away?
If it's fiction I just keep reading, but non-fiction I will look up words.
What are you currently reading?
Dream Reachers, Dark Slayer and I'm just about to start the new Dan Brown, because it came in the mail today!
What is the last book you bought?
Dark Slayer
Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can you read more than one at a time?
I obviously read more than one at a time, but I do try to make sure the genres are atleast different. Otherwise I tend to get the characters confused. I am blonde afterall...hehehe
Do you have a favorite time of day and/or place to read?
I read books everywhere and always have atleast one with me. My favorite time of day is early evening, just after the sun has set.....must be that vampire blood.
Do you prefer series books or stand alone books?
I love both, but if I really love the characters nothing beats a series. They become like your best friend from college. You don't talk to them all that often but when you do the time in between disappears
Is there a specific book or author that you find yourself recommending over and over?
Steve Berry or Michael Crichton... either author usually has something for everyone.
How do you organize your books? (By genre, title, author’s last name, etc.?)
Right now most are in boxes if I've read them, the rest are piled all over my room, but when I had my library in my house, they were by hard cover or soft cover, then by genre, then alpha by author. I'm a bit OCD.
Rarely. But if I do it's usually something like M&M's or those candy corn pumpkins Diane & I love.
Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you?
Fiction I never mark, but non-fiction I sometimes highlight.
How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears? Laying the book flat open?
I have a magnetic bookmark I use, because the cats steal everything else. Sometimes I mark pages with post-it flags also.
Fiction, Non-fiction, or both?
If it's a book, I love it!
Hard copy or audiobooks?
Definitely hard copy. I like audiobooks, but I get too easily distracted and miss things, then have to replay.
Are you a person who tends to read to the end of chapters, or are you able to put a book down at any point?
Depends on the book and the author.
If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away?
If it's fiction I just keep reading, but non-fiction I will look up words.
What are you currently reading?
Dream Reachers, Dark Slayer and I'm just about to start the new Dan Brown, because it came in the mail today!
What is the last book you bought?
Dark Slayer
Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can you read more than one at a time?
I obviously read more than one at a time, but I do try to make sure the genres are atleast different. Otherwise I tend to get the characters confused. I am blonde afterall...hehehe
Do you have a favorite time of day and/or place to read?
I read books everywhere and always have atleast one with me. My favorite time of day is early evening, just after the sun has set.....must be that vampire blood.
Do you prefer series books or stand alone books?
I love both, but if I really love the characters nothing beats a series. They become like your best friend from college. You don't talk to them all that often but when you do the time in between disappears
Is there a specific book or author that you find yourself recommending over and over?
Steve Berry or Michael Crichton... either author usually has something for everyone.
How do you organize your books? (By genre, title, author’s last name, etc.?)
Right now most are in boxes if I've read them, the rest are piled all over my room, but when I had my library in my house, they were by hard cover or soft cover, then by genre, then alpha by author. I'm a bit OCD.
Interview and Giveaway with Anna L Walls, author of King By Right of Blood and Might

Last month, I had the pleasure of reading Anna L Walls' debut novel King By Right of Blood and Might. You can read my review here. She graciously agreed to let me interview her and giveaway a signed copy of her book to one lucky commenter. I'm honored to have her as my first author interview/giveaway.
Thanks for joining us, Anna. First tell us a little about yourself.
I grew up in eastern Colorado. I went to collage in Minnesota but I didn’t get a degree. Instead, I joined the army where I met my fisherman husband shortly before Uncle Sam shipped us to Alaska. Six years later, we moved to one of the hottest fishing spots in the state and have stayed here ever since.
When did you first start writing and did you always want to be an author?
There were occasions when I’d pick up a notebook and write out some story. In junior high school, there was the hilarious creation my best friend and I created one giggly night; it was lost or thrown away soon after. A couple years after I was married, I worked in a laundry mat; during breaks and lunch, I wrote another story. It was lost during one of our many moves out here. I’ve since tried to recreate it and it is one of my other completed stories listed on Facebook. The next time I picked up a notebook was about 10 years ago. That was the beginning of King by Right. One day my son brought me an old lap top computer and I decided to see if I remembered how to type. That was the turning point. I’ve been writing ever since. However, growing up, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine myself as an author. I had every intention of acquiring the family ranch and raising horses. On the business end, I was going to somehow turn the place into a riding school for city kids. Talk about a left turn.
What is the most challenging aspect of writing? Most rewarding?
The most challenging and the most rewarding aspect is painting the picture of my story with words. That’s the way I try to do it - paint it like a picture or a movie as I see it in my head. I find it wonderfully fun and of course, I have to remember all the little details. Sometimes I need a detail to be in place later in the story, then I have to go back through what I’ve already written and weave in another thread. So much fun.
Where did you get the idea for King by Right of Blood and Might?
Unlike most of my other stories, I started King by Right by creating a character. I like the times of kings and princes so I decided to write about a prince. Then he had to have a problem to solve and some history. It was a lot of fun figuring it all out.
How much research did you do for your book and how much ended up in the finished product?
At the time I was writing King by Right, I had very little access to research materials. I had the encyclopedia set I got for when the kids were doing home schooling, and later, when I got my computer, I had its Encarta encyclopedia. Mostly I used it to figure out distances so I could judge how long it would take to cover the distance between one point and the next. My computer also had a paint program and I spent days drawing maps and pictures. Unfortunately, when it came time to publish, I had to pick which pictures showed up best in shades of gray.
How do you keep track of your world building?
My world building is in my head like a movie; it becomes a familiar place. Since I love maps, it helps to have one but not all my books have a map.
How long, on average, does it take to write a book?
I suppose it takes about a year to write a book; some longer, some shorter. You have to figure that my year is punctuated by my summer job, but even then, I read through what I’ve written just to make sure it still paints the same picture. King by Right took 2 years, I think. However, I was also learning the delightful offerings of my computer too. The grammar checker was very informative.
Which character in this book most resembles you?
I suppose Princess Kandice most resembles me. However, I place myself in each of my characters’ heads. It’s how I keep them all different; how I make sure they all have a different attitude and personality. Just call me schizophrenic.
If Prince Harris had a theme song what would it be?
Now this is a question that’s clear out in left field. A theme song. I listened through my whole music list and finally settled on ‘Don’t Give Up’ by Peter Gabriel. There’s also ‘I Still Believe’ by Crow. I don’t know; maybe if you could mush them together with something from Beethoven, it might work. Ha, what do I know about music.
Your story has several paranormal elements. If you had one of their abilities which one would you choose?
I like the Shapeshifters. I would so like to turn into a wolf or a big bird for a while.
Given your story covers the world as we know it ending and a distant future world, if you lived in this story, which time would you want to live in? At some time in history, at the apocalyptic time of transition or the distant future?
I can see myself living in any of those times but if I had to choose, I would choose the days of the far future in this book. I like things simple.
I know you self-published. Why did you choose that route and what has been the best and worst aspects of that process for you?
When I started that process, I didn’t have internet so proposals were dependant upon snail mail. Since I can’t get to the post office for easily half of every year, it translated into a very long and frustrating process. By coincidence, AuthorHouse was in the phonebook so I gave them a call. It was so easy - send a disk and a check and the whole thing would be started. We also elected to spend that winter with my son in Fairbanks so that I could use emails to communicate and look at proofs. I also got to squeeze my grandson every time I could catch him. The worst aspect was that I really didn’t know what I was doing and trusted the company to be as diligent with my work as I was. There are things I will do very differently next time, though I may self-publish again.
I've checked out your Notes on Facebook, so I know you have written many other stories and yet to be published novels, when can we expect your next book?
I told myself that I would publish again as soon as my first book made enough money for me to afford to. However, I’m querying agents as well as asking for reviews. This ball will get rolling one of these days - hopefully soon.
Have you always lived in Alaska? Does your environment help or hinder your writing/creativity?
I grew up as a rancher’s daughter in eastern Colorado and have lived in Alaska nearly 30 years now. I’ve lived out here in the wilderness for the last 20 years almost exactly. In fact, the very first winter we spent out here was the last time Mount Redoubt popped its top. I truly believe that, had we stayed in the city, wherever, I would have written far less if anything. I likely would have been working everyday instead. Since I have the winters to myself, I can write to my heart’s content and you’ve seen the results of only 10 years’ writing.
What is your favorite thing about Alaska? Least favorite?
My favorite thing about Alaska is of course the winters for more reasons than the solitude. The winters out here are picture postcard beautiful. The least favorite thing about living here is having to drive to work in an open boat in the rain or when the wind is blowing. Such weather makes for a rather unpleasant trip. Thankfully, said trip is only 20 minutes or so.
Who are your favorite authors?
My favorite authors are Tolkein, Heinlein, McCaffrey and Scott Card among many others. I generally don’t pay attention to who does the writing; if it sounds interesting, I’ll read it.
What three authors/writers would you have a slumber party with and what would you do?
I’ve never had a slumber party in my life so I wouldn’t have a clue as to what to do for one, but as far as who to have over, I suppose I’d pick any three of those listed above. I think we’d drive my husband out of the house with all the talking about all the different books we’ve either written or read. Even my son would get in on that conversation though he’s not a writer. He reads the same things I do.
You can influence any one thing in the entire history, the present or the future of the world (what has occurred, how something works, etc.). What would you choose to change and why?
Since I have a love of horses and swords, I think I’d like to forestall the invention of the automobile and the gun, not that I’m against guns. The bears and moose are very big out here. I find cars and trucks to be noisy and smelly and wars were very different when the soldier had to look their opponent in the eyes as he died on their sword.
If you could spend the day with one person (someone in history, a favorite author, a public figure, a character in a book, etc.), who would you choose and why?
I suppose I would like to spend some time with the ranger in Lord of the Rings, Aragorn. ‘Course that could also be translated to the actor who played him in the movie. I find Aragorn’s simple, noble competency encouraging - there’s hope that such a seed is in the people of today somewhere down in there, else it wouldn’t leak out in such stories.
Finally, I know you already have a sequel for King by Right of Blood and Might in the works, what's up next for the characters?
The sequel is more like book 2 of a collection of 3. There is no physical connection between book 1 and book 2 other than the world and time in which the events take place. Book 1 takes place on the east coast. Book 2 takes place through the mid-west. And book 3 will take place on the west coast.
Anna will be sending an autographed copy of her book to one lucky winner. For a chance to win, all you have to do is post a comment, become a follower or subscibe to this blog and leave an email with your comment. The contest is open thru Sept. 30th at 11:59pm EST. I will pick a winner at random.
Now it's your turn to leave comments or questions for Anna.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Interview with Today's Adventure blogger NotNessie

Today I have the pleasure of posting my first official interview. My guest of honor is the lovely Vanessa aka NotNessie who writes Today's Adventure. Vanessa writes a wonderful review blog and as part of Book Blogger Appreciation Week, we swapped interviews. She also provided this great picture of herself with one of her daughters.

Here are some things you may not know about Vanessa:
So tell me more about you and life in Ontario.
Life in Ontario is good, if hotter than I'm used to. I grew up in Yellowknife, NWT and moved to eastern Ontario after I got married. I'm married to the best guy in the world, and currently I'm a stay at home mom of two little girls and a 4-month old labradoodle, Indy (and one more baby on the way).
What was the first book you remember reading?
Go Dogs Go by PD Eastman. Now I have it for my little girls. After that, I was a big fan of the Nancy Drew books and the Black Stallion series.
What started your love of reading?books?
My mom has always been a big reader, although I think she's a little busy for too much reading these days. I remember her spending hours reading to my siblings and I when we were little, and I'm sure that's what got me started on the reading path.
Has your taste in reading changed since you had your two girls?
Maybe a little. I think I have a less patience with "heavy" reading now (though I did read The Pillars of the Earth and it's sequel last year, so that's obviously not always true). My reading these days is mostly all about fun.
Have your daughters inherited your love of reading?
Well, they're not able to read by themselves yet, since the oldest is only just 4. But they definitely love being read to, and that makes me hope they will love to read for themselves. Because, let's face it, I can only read "Calliou Says No" so many times before I start killing my brain cells.
How did you get started blogging?
My story is similar to a lot of people's, I think. I found a few bloggers through Shelfari, and as I started reading their blogs, I found I had something of my own to say. So of course, I had to create myself a venue to say it in. Because who doesn't want to have their very own "all me, all the time" channel? lol.
In all seriousness, though, blogging has been an incredible gift to me. Firstly because, as a mom, it's great to have something that's just mine. And secondly, because I now realize there are other people out there who are as addicted to books as I am and love to talk about them.
What is your favorite thing about blogging? least favorite thing?
I am a comment junkie. My very favorite thing is reading and responding to the comments on my posts. The interaction with other readers is fabulous!
My least favorite thing... well, I guess sometimes I have commitments that were made a while ago and suddenly are inconvenient to fill. Like, back in June I committed to several blog tours for late August and early September, not knowing that I was going to have horrible morning sickness during that time. Oops.
How many books have you read this year and how do you find time to read & blog with your busy life?
As of right now, my count stands at 168 books read this year. This is the first year that I've actually kept track.
Finding time can be tricky, but reading/blogging is my sanity time, so I make the effort. Right now I'm filling out this interview while my girls watch their one TV show for the day (Little Einsteins... it has to be good for them, right?). Mostly I read and write when they're sleeping. I don't watch much TV and I have what you could call a "flexible" attitude towards home tidyness, so that frees up some time, too.
If you were reading a book and fell asleep only to awaken inside the book, what book would you want to wake up in and why?
I actually had a dream a few nights ago that I was Katsa from Graceling and I have to say that was fairly awesome.
If you were shipwrecked on a deserted island, what five books would you want to have with you?
Robinson Crusoe, The Swiss Family Robinson, The SAS Survival Guide, Tropical Fish and How to Cook Them, and The Idiot's Guide to Raft Building.
You may ask any three people from history (alive or dead) one question each and they must answer you truthfully and completely. Whom do you choose and what is your question for each person?
You history buffs and your impossible questions! I am completely drawing a blank on this one.
You have a job interview with a cosmetics company and on your way it starts to rain. A man on the train overhears your plight, that you have to walk nine blocks. He hands you his umbrella and tells you to "pay it forward." How do you?
After totally flubbing my interview (apparently they expect you to know the difference between highlight powder and bronzer) I start walking back to the train station. I notice an elderly woman carrying a squirming puppy walking along getting soaked by the rain. I offer her the umbrella, but she can't carry it with the puppy in her arms, so I escort her to her home, which is 6 blocks out of my way. When we get there, the door is opened by her grandson, who is none other than... the extremely good looking stranger from the train (I'm single in this scenario, so it's ok for me to say that) who is delighted to see me and asks me out for coffee. His name is Joe. We live happily ever after.
You can influence any one thing in the entire history of the world, past, present or future (what has occurred, how something works, etc.) What would you choose to change and why?
I know that it can be argued that the world has learned many lessons as a result of Nazi Germany and the resulting World War, but I still would pick the assassination of Adolf Hitler as the one thing I would like to have brought to fruition...before he attacked Poland if possible. There were just so many innocent lives lost that could have been saved.
Wow, that sounds good, eh? OK, I cheated and got my husband to answer that one. I confess.
Who are some of your favorite authors? If you could spend the afternoon with one of them, which one would you choose?
Stephenie Meyer, Orson Scott Card, CS Lewis, Meg Cabot, Kristen Cashore, JK Rowling, Janet Evanovich, Tamora Pierce. If I could spend the afternoon with one of them, I would choose CS Lewis (assuming I can pick him even though he's dead). His work is incredible. Actually, if I met him, I don't think I would know what to say. I would probably just stare at him all afternoon, but it would be worth it.
Not sure if you get the same commercials up in Canada that we do down here, but here is a silly question for you (from a commercial a decade or so ago): What sensation do you get when you eat a York Peppermint Patty?
We mostly get the same commercials up here, but I don't think I've ever seen that one. I grew up without access to TV pretty much until I left university.
YPPs give me a sensation of pure bliss. LOVE them.
Be sure to go to Today's Adventure to read Vanessa's interview of me and check out her fabulous blog.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Book Review - The Night World Series by L.J. Smith
*Updated post with more links (12:59pm)

What do you call a society of supernatural beings dwelling among us, yet hidden right before our eyes? Ljane Smith calls it Night World. Long before there was even the idea for Twilight, there was Night World. Night World is her mesmerizing, highly addicting series of young adult fantasy books.....only young adults aren't the only ones hooked. How many authors can write a series of nine books so captivating that her readers are willing to wait and are still salivating for the tenth and final book in the series? Oh yes, many authors write compelling series that hook us, but unlike Ljane they write them pretty close together. Ljane (as she prefers to be called per her website) published the first nine books between 1996-98. Here we are in 2009 and we are still breathlessly waiting. In fact, some of us love her stories so much we have purchased the re-released books (as seen above in Vols 1,2 & 3) and fallen in love with them all over again. Now a decade later there is a whole new group of readers discovering her spellbinding work. Luckily, our wait is almost over as Night World: The Ultimate Fan Guide (click here to pre-order thru Amazon)is being released in late October (with a sneak peek of the first two chapters of the final book, Strange Fate) and Strange Fate (click here to pre-order thru Amazon) is scheduled to be released on April 6, 2010.
Let me be your guide into the first nine books of Ljanes's magical Night World.....
Witches, vampires, shapeshifters and other things that go bump in the night do live among us. They are part of Night World and are forbidden from letting us mere humans know they exist and from have relationships with others that are not their specific species. The penalty for breaking these rules is death for all parties involved. But Fate has other plans, creating soulmates that cross those lines. An organization has formed called, Circle Daybreak, that believes the only way for us survive is to all learn to work together and live in harmony. There is a prophecy that says only the Wild Powers can prevent the world from falling into chaos and darkness. Circle Daybreak is committed to finding these four Wild Powers, keeping them safe from Night World and helping them in the coming battle. The only clues they have to find the Wild Powers is :
One from the land of kings long forgotten,
One from the hearth which still holds the spark,
One from the Day World where two eyes are watching,
One from the twilight to be one with the dark.
The fate of the world will be in their hands. Let's begin our journey...
Secret Vampire
James and Poppy have been best friends since childhood. Poppy doesn't know that James is a vampire until she is dying of cancer. Will he turn her to save her, though it is forbidden?
Daughters of Darkness
The Redfern sisters, Rowan, Jade and Kestral, are vampires who flee Night World to live among humans in rural Oregon. They befriend human brother and sister, Mary-Lynette and Mark, who discover their true identities. When Ash Redfern comes to take his sisters back to Night World, he must decide whether to kill Mary-Lynette and Mark for knowing about vampires or accept his connection to Mary-Lynette. Will he follow his duty or will he allow his world to be turned upside down?
*For those who have read Daughters of Darkness, click here for the follow-up story, "Those Who Favor Fire", with Ash and Mary-Lynette.
Thea and Blaise Harmon are sisters and witches, who are as different as night and day. Blaise is as bad as they come. she has a strong hatred for humans and revels in using her magic to destroy the men in her life. Thea is the good one, who also has disdain for humans but is compelled by her compassion to help them. When Thea heals human, Eric, she discovers he is her soulmate. Blaise is determined to add him to her list of ruined conquest. Will Blaise destroy Eric or will Thea be able to save him?
Dark Angel
When Gillian falls into an icy river and drowns on her way home from school, she meets Angel who guides her back into the land of the living only to coerce her into doing things she isn't comfortable with. Will her long time crush, David, be able to save her from Angel's sinister intentions?
The Chosen
After seeing her mother killed by a vampire, Rashel devotes her life to tracking and killing the nocturnal monsters. When she gets in over her head, it will be the vampire, Quinn, she must accept help from. The bond that forms will make them both question their prejudices, but will it save them or be their undoing?
What do you do when recurring nightmares and strange notes you don't remember writing keep turning up? That is what Hannah and her therapist set out to solve, only to discover, Hannah is a very old soul.... She has been reincarnated many times over the centuries only to die at a young age each time. In this current incarnation, she was unaware of Night World until she discovers she is part of a dangerous triangle with Maya, the original vampire and Thierry, The Lord of the Night World. Will she survive past her birthday this time or face the same tragic end only to start the cycle all over again?
When Jez Redfern discovers she is a rare human-vampire halfbreed because her mother was human, she turns her back on her past and the human hating gang she leads. She joins Circle Daybreak and begins living with her long-lost human relatives while hunting down the renegades of Night World. When she gets word that the new leader of her old gang, Morgead Blackthorn, claims to have discovered the identity of a Wild Power, she will go undercover, back to her old life as a vampire to bring The Wild Power into the protection of Circle Daybreak. Will she find the Wild Power before her old gang discovers what she is really up to?
*For those who have read Huntress, click here for a story, "Jez and Morgead's Night Out", from the character's past.
Black Dawn
Maggie Neely's brother is missing and presumed dead after a mountain climbing trip with his girlfriend, Sylvia. Maggie thinks Sylvia is hiding something and when she confronts her, she ends ends up unconscious only to wake up in a slaver's cart in the mountains headed toward a hidden Night World Kingdom, ruled by vampire Prince Delos. She will manage to escape with three other slaves, one who is a mysterious young blind girl. Will she be able to move past her brothers disappearance and her own kidnapping or will she be drawn back into the fate of Prince Delos and the people of in his kingdom?
Werepanther, Keller will lead a team of supernaturals to retrieve the third Wild Power. Even a team of a shape-shifter, witch and vampire will have there work cut out for them retrieving "lost witch", Iliana. It is prophesied that she is the Witch Child who will marry the son of the First House of shape-shifters, Galen Drache, to unify the shape-shifter and witch families. First of all Iliana wants nothing to do with being a witch or fulfilling her destiny. Keller has fallen in love with Galen, whom Iliana must marry to secure peace. Finally, one of the original shape-shifters, a dragon, has been awakened and he is not on their side. Will Keller be able to deny her own feelings for the sake of her duty? Will Iliana come around and embrace her destiny as a witch and the betrothed of Galen? And what does the awakening of the dragon mean for the fate of the Wild Powers and the prophecy?
*For those who have read Witchlight, click here for the continueing story, "Thicker Than Water", with Keller and Iliana.
The answers to all of the above questions are in her books. We must anxiously wait until Strange fate is released to get the final answers to the fate of the world.
This is one of the most captivating series I have read. It definitely gets five out of five and I urge everyone to purchase, check it out from the library or mug a friend who has a copy (not really, but maybe sweet talk them and borrow it.) Everyone who loves fantasy should read these intoxicating stories. Click here for a list of all LJ Smith's books.

What do you call a society of supernatural beings dwelling among us, yet hidden right before our eyes? Ljane Smith calls it Night World. Long before there was even the idea for Twilight, there was Night World. Night World is her mesmerizing, highly addicting series of young adult fantasy books.....only young adults aren't the only ones hooked. How many authors can write a series of nine books so captivating that her readers are willing to wait and are still salivating for the tenth and final book in the series? Oh yes, many authors write compelling series that hook us, but unlike Ljane they write them pretty close together. Ljane (as she prefers to be called per her website) published the first nine books between 1996-98. Here we are in 2009 and we are still breathlessly waiting. In fact, some of us love her stories so much we have purchased the re-released books (as seen above in Vols 1,2 & 3) and fallen in love with them all over again. Now a decade later there is a whole new group of readers discovering her spellbinding work. Luckily, our wait is almost over as Night World: The Ultimate Fan Guide (click here to pre-order thru Amazon)is being released in late October (with a sneak peek of the first two chapters of the final book, Strange Fate) and Strange Fate (click here to pre-order thru Amazon) is scheduled to be released on April 6, 2010.
Let me be your guide into the first nine books of Ljanes's magical Night World.....
Witches, vampires, shapeshifters and other things that go bump in the night do live among us. They are part of Night World and are forbidden from letting us mere humans know they exist and from have relationships with others that are not their specific species. The penalty for breaking these rules is death for all parties involved. But Fate has other plans, creating soulmates that cross those lines. An organization has formed called, Circle Daybreak, that believes the only way for us survive is to all learn to work together and live in harmony. There is a prophecy that says only the Wild Powers can prevent the world from falling into chaos and darkness. Circle Daybreak is committed to finding these four Wild Powers, keeping them safe from Night World and helping them in the coming battle. The only clues they have to find the Wild Powers is :
One from the land of kings long forgotten,
One from the hearth which still holds the spark,
One from the Day World where two eyes are watching,
One from the twilight to be one with the dark.
The fate of the world will be in their hands. Let's begin our journey...
Secret Vampire
James and Poppy have been best friends since childhood. Poppy doesn't know that James is a vampire until she is dying of cancer. Will he turn her to save her, though it is forbidden?
Daughters of Darkness
The Redfern sisters, Rowan, Jade and Kestral, are vampires who flee Night World to live among humans in rural Oregon. They befriend human brother and sister, Mary-Lynette and Mark, who discover their true identities. When Ash Redfern comes to take his sisters back to Night World, he must decide whether to kill Mary-Lynette and Mark for knowing about vampires or accept his connection to Mary-Lynette. Will he follow his duty or will he allow his world to be turned upside down?
*For those who have read Daughters of Darkness, click here for the follow-up story, "Those Who Favor Fire", with Ash and Mary-Lynette.
Thea and Blaise Harmon are sisters and witches, who are as different as night and day. Blaise is as bad as they come. she has a strong hatred for humans and revels in using her magic to destroy the men in her life. Thea is the good one, who also has disdain for humans but is compelled by her compassion to help them. When Thea heals human, Eric, she discovers he is her soulmate. Blaise is determined to add him to her list of ruined conquest. Will Blaise destroy Eric or will Thea be able to save him?
Dark Angel
When Gillian falls into an icy river and drowns on her way home from school, she meets Angel who guides her back into the land of the living only to coerce her into doing things she isn't comfortable with. Will her long time crush, David, be able to save her from Angel's sinister intentions?
The Chosen
After seeing her mother killed by a vampire, Rashel devotes her life to tracking and killing the nocturnal monsters. When she gets in over her head, it will be the vampire, Quinn, she must accept help from. The bond that forms will make them both question their prejudices, but will it save them or be their undoing?
What do you do when recurring nightmares and strange notes you don't remember writing keep turning up? That is what Hannah and her therapist set out to solve, only to discover, Hannah is a very old soul.... She has been reincarnated many times over the centuries only to die at a young age each time. In this current incarnation, she was unaware of Night World until she discovers she is part of a dangerous triangle with Maya, the original vampire and Thierry, The Lord of the Night World. Will she survive past her birthday this time or face the same tragic end only to start the cycle all over again?
When Jez Redfern discovers she is a rare human-vampire halfbreed because her mother was human, she turns her back on her past and the human hating gang she leads. She joins Circle Daybreak and begins living with her long-lost human relatives while hunting down the renegades of Night World. When she gets word that the new leader of her old gang, Morgead Blackthorn, claims to have discovered the identity of a Wild Power, she will go undercover, back to her old life as a vampire to bring The Wild Power into the protection of Circle Daybreak. Will she find the Wild Power before her old gang discovers what she is really up to?
*For those who have read Huntress, click here for a story, "Jez and Morgead's Night Out", from the character's past.
Black Dawn
Maggie Neely's brother is missing and presumed dead after a mountain climbing trip with his girlfriend, Sylvia. Maggie thinks Sylvia is hiding something and when she confronts her, she ends ends up unconscious only to wake up in a slaver's cart in the mountains headed toward a hidden Night World Kingdom, ruled by vampire Prince Delos. She will manage to escape with three other slaves, one who is a mysterious young blind girl. Will she be able to move past her brothers disappearance and her own kidnapping or will she be drawn back into the fate of Prince Delos and the people of in his kingdom?
Werepanther, Keller will lead a team of supernaturals to retrieve the third Wild Power. Even a team of a shape-shifter, witch and vampire will have there work cut out for them retrieving "lost witch", Iliana. It is prophesied that she is the Witch Child who will marry the son of the First House of shape-shifters, Galen Drache, to unify the shape-shifter and witch families. First of all Iliana wants nothing to do with being a witch or fulfilling her destiny. Keller has fallen in love with Galen, whom Iliana must marry to secure peace. Finally, one of the original shape-shifters, a dragon, has been awakened and he is not on their side. Will Keller be able to deny her own feelings for the sake of her duty? Will Iliana come around and embrace her destiny as a witch and the betrothed of Galen? And what does the awakening of the dragon mean for the fate of the Wild Powers and the prophecy?
*For those who have read Witchlight, click here for the continueing story, "Thicker Than Water", with Keller and Iliana.
The answers to all of the above questions are in her books. We must anxiously wait until Strange fate is released to get the final answers to the fate of the world.
This is one of the most captivating series I have read. It definitely gets five out of five and I urge everyone to purchase, check it out from the library or mug a friend who has a copy (not really, but maybe sweet talk them and borrow it.) Everyone who loves fantasy should read these intoxicating stories. Click here for a list of all LJ Smith's books.
BBAW is finally here!!!

Book Blogger Appreciation Week is finally here and I have a great week planned celebrate! I only have one review planned for this week and since this week is special, I chose an amazing series by one of my favorite authors, LJ Smith. My review of Night World will post later today. Tuesday, I will be posting an interview with fellow blogger, Today's Adventure's NotNessie. Wednesday, will be an interview and book giveaway with the author of King by Right of Blood and Might, Anna L Walls. Thursday, will be an interview and book giveaway with the author of A Circle of Souls, Preetham Grandhi. And Friday, I have a special surprise waiting. It promises to be an exciting week in the book blogging world!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Children's Book Review - The Land of Expression by David and Mulyia Vision

The Land of Expression is a children’s book where colors are the characters. The Vision’s bring you the story of Black, who is bullied and shunned by the other colors. When Black becomes sad and despondent from the loneliness, the Creator moves him to the heavens. Soon the other world in which the other colors still inhabit becomes desolate without Black, the colors realize that Black was an important part of their lives can do nothing now but “pray and cry, cry and pray.” Their cries become so loud that Black hears them out in the universe and wants to go back to the world to end their sadness. The Universe doesn’t want to give up Black and the Creator doesn’t want Black to suffer the way he did before. Black becomes so upset with the pain the Colors are suffering that he begins to cry, and his black tears fall to the world making it better. The Creator, seeing this and the change of heart in the colors, allows Black to not only return to the world but to stay in the heavens also. All the colors now can learn to live in harmony.
I give you the whole storyline here because I really don’t think very young children are reading this blog. Plus since this is a children’s book, I don’t think I need to create any suspense. This is a lovely book written by David and Mulyia Vision and illustrated by Ignacio Alcantara. Children will love it for the fun pictures and bright colors throughout. Parents will love it because it teaches a valuable lesson’s. It teaches to believe in yourself, just because we are different doesn’t make us any less valuable or special. It also teaches not to bully those who are different from us because we all have a purpose and something to offer. I would recommend this to any parent raising a child in today’s multi-cultural society. With the holidays just around the corner, it will also make a great gift for any small child this Christmas or any parent-to-be.
*This book was provided by the author.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
DVD - Gattaca

Gattaca is a 1997 sci-fi film starring Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman and Jude Law. It’s set in the near future (approximately 2027, if I remember correctly), however, the near future to the film makers in 1997 was a lot different than what can probably expect in less than twenty years. Let’s hope so anyways. Ethan Hawke plays Vincent, an in-valid, one of the rare individuals conceived the old fashioned way as opposed to being genetically engineered for the most perfect gene combination based on the parents. Vincent wants nothing more than to travel into space, but because of his poor DNA he is shut out of any possibilities but the most menial. He hatches a plan to pass as a valid and work for Gattaca Aerospace Corporation. Uma Thurman plays Cassini, a genetically engineered but slightly flawed valid who works at Gattaca. She ends up working with and secretly falling in love with Vincent. Jude Law plays Jerome Morrow, a valid engineered to be “second to none”, but a freak accident leaves him paralyzed and unable to fulfill his dreams. Vincent and Jerome make an unlikely alliance to help Vincent realize his dreams, but the death of mission director can ruin all their plans. Gattaca is a futuristic film that shows how far the human spirit will take one to reach his dreams. It is part drama, part murder mystery, part fantasy….a modern day classic. Definitely worth the rent ( I own it.)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Honest Scrap Award

This is the Honest Scrap award. It is for those bloggers who write from the heart. I received it from L. Diane Wolfe, one of my favorite bloggers. The rules are to pass it along to seven bloggers and then list 10 honest things about myself. Here are those deserving of this honor, bloggers who write from the heart and touch me because of it:
Page: Ecalyptus Way & Snideties
NotNessie: Today's Adventure
Joshua: Wildman 4 God
Crystal: Crystal Clear Proofing
Misty: Book Rat
Raonaid: Visionary Druid
Kaye: Pudgy Penguin Perusals
10 honest things about me:
I love cats, but I also love all animals and over the years have had cats, dogs, ferrets, and a skunk
I love plants but have black thumbs....I can look at a plant and it will wither, it's sad.
I have a tattoo and few people know that.
I'm terrified of heights. I have no problem climbing a tall ladder, tree, etc. but once I get to the top I freeze like a cat. Luckily I can usually be talked down, but it would be tons more fun if there were more hunky firemen around to rescue me.
Speaking of fires, many many years ago, when I ran a movie theater, it caught on fire, I actually put the fire out and orchestrated the evacuation of over 100 kids from the building and got a plaque from the fire department. What they didn't know was I didn't even think about what I was doing, I just reacted.
Spent the about 7 yrs after my divorce being a total social butterfly, and the past two years I've taken a step back to really get to know who I am.
Currently working on a satirical non-fiction book on some of my social butterfly days. The stories keep my local friends rolling with laughter, hoping the rest of world finds them as humorous.
Like Diane, I have an addiction for candy corn pumpkins.
I'm both an artist and a writer, but I have to block one out and focus on the other to accomplish anything.
My current favorite song is I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. It always makes me smile.
Monday, September 7, 2009
DVD - Push
Push is a sci-fi thriller about a group of paranormal operatives. Push stars Chris Evans as telekinetic Mover, Nick against Djimon Hounsou as mind-controlling Pusher, Carver, leader of the government agency, The Division. Helping Nick is Cassie, a future-seeing Watcher played by Dakota Fanning.
The Division wants to turn individuals with paranormal abilities into weapons, unfortunately all their attempts end in the death of the paranormal until they inject Kira, a pusher, played by Camilla Belle. When she escapes with a vial of the drug, the Division will stop at nothing to re-capture her. As fate would have it, she happens to be Nick's ex-girlfriend and he along with Cassie and an assortment of other paranormals will stop at nothing to save her and keep the Division from recovering the drug. They will be helped and pursued by an assortment of other paranormals: Sniffers (who can find anyone or thing by sniffing an object you touched), Shifters (who can change the appearance of any object), Shadows (who can shield people and objects from detection), Screamers (who can use their voices to destroy), Stitchers (who can heal or kill), and Wipers (who can erase your memory) and more.
This film has lots of action and twists to keep your adrenaline pumping til the end. The action scenes show off all the powers these psychic people have. The characters are well fleshed out so you understand the motivation behind their actions. Strong script, good acting, great action. This film is definitely worth renting. Four out of five stars.
The Division wants to turn individuals with paranormal abilities into weapons, unfortunately all their attempts end in the death of the paranormal until they inject Kira, a pusher, played by Camilla Belle. When she escapes with a vial of the drug, the Division will stop at nothing to re-capture her. As fate would have it, she happens to be Nick's ex-girlfriend and he along with Cassie and an assortment of other paranormals will stop at nothing to save her and keep the Division from recovering the drug. They will be helped and pursued by an assortment of other paranormals: Sniffers (who can find anyone or thing by sniffing an object you touched), Shifters (who can change the appearance of any object), Shadows (who can shield people and objects from detection), Screamers (who can use their voices to destroy), Stitchers (who can heal or kill), and Wipers (who can erase your memory) and more.
This film has lots of action and twists to keep your adrenaline pumping til the end. The action scenes show off all the powers these psychic people have. The characters are well fleshed out so you understand the motivation behind their actions. Strong script, good acting, great action. This film is definitely worth renting. Four out of five stars.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Book Review- A Circle of Souls by Preetham Grandhi

A Circle of Souls takes the reader to Newbury, Connecticut, where a little girl has been brutally murdered and left the quiet town and it's law enforcement in shock. When the girl's backpack is found on the property of a presidential candidate, FBI agent Leia Bines, who specializes in cases involving children, is called in to help solve the crime and catch the killer quickly. Meanwhile child psychiatrist, Dr Peter Gram, is puzzled by his seven year old patient, Naya's nightmares. When Naya begins drawing the images from her disturbing dreams, Leia and Peter's paths converge, as her sketches are the only clues to the murder.
This is the debut novel of Dr. Preetham Grandhi, who immigrated to the US from Bangalore, India to pursue a career in child and adolescent psychiatry. He has been the chief of service for House 5 at Bronx Children's Psychiatric Center as well as has a private practice in New York. His extensive background into the psyche of a child helps to make this story compelling and believable.
Grandhi takes the reader into the hearts and minds of the characters involved. His story is reminiscent of a classic Hitchcock tale. He keeps you glued to the book and on edge page after page until the mystery is resolved. He includes twist and hints that lead you to believe you know who the killer is before Leia and Peter, but then at the very end surprises you with a twist you didn't see coming. He does an excellent job of fleshing out the characters and making you care about the outcome. While there are some elements of the supernatural, he keeps these reigned in so that they don't come across as completely far fetched. He also connects his characters in a way that makes the phrase "It's a small world," come to mind. An engaging read, I highly recommend. Can't wait to read his next novel. Five out of five visions.
*This book was provided by the author. However, I have purchased additional copies.
This review is part of Cym Lowell's Book Review Party. Click here to see where the party starts on Cym's blog and links to other great reviews/blogs!
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